
11/17 – Associate professor (Privatdozent) at the University in Giessen (Venia legendi: Ecology)

Topic: Sustainable management of natural resources – success factors in complex social-ecological systems

11/16 – PostDoc / Researcher at the German Aerospace Center in Stuttgart

02/16 – PhD (Dr. rer. nat, magna cum laude) in Biology,
Topic: Individual cooperative decisions in public goods situations

08/14 – 04/16 PostDoc at the University of Halle

10/07 – 07/14 PostDoc at the University of Giessen

10/12 – 10/13 Stand in for the Chair of Prof. Dr. Voland at the University of Giessen

09/10 – 12/10 Visiting research fellowship at the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis with Nobel Prize Winner Prof. Dr. Elinor Ostrom

before 2010 PhD (Dr. phil, magna cum laude) & leader of research projects


  • Reviewer for e.g. Journal of Institutional Economics, Ecology
    and Society, Environmental Policy and Governance, Complexity
  • Interviews on scientific topics on radio and television
  • Design and Implementation of public goods and discrete choice
  • Organisation of scientific conferences
  • Various conference contributions and invited talks
  • From 2005-2016: Held 28 seminars at different universities on
    various topics