160,2Ghatta Muhan Ko Kulo Samiti (WUG)1988353-2-201000001.510010101.52,5-22,51,52,52,5-22,52,51,51,54,51,520001000031,51,5(1)No organization was responsible for maintenance and operation of the system until 1988. Most of the users participated in routine maintenance work based on the information given by one of the beneficiaries. The informal leadership changed from person to person in order to mobilize the labor. (2) After 1988, there is a formal group which functions as the organization for resource mainly labor mobilization.-2-2-2-2-26,5WECS/IIMI provided assistance for the improvement of the system in 1988. For detail refer WECS/IIMI report.
162,1-2-2-2-2-2-22000000110There is no formal organization responsible for the system. The maintenance and operation of the system are carried out by the collective effort of the users. For instance, if there is certain damage along the canal, someone will inform the others. Then all users fix the date among themselves for the repair work.-2-2-2-2-11,3-2
162,2Tallo Jhankri Khet Ko Kulo Samiti19883,55,53,5-2-200000001.5101.52,5-22,51,51,52,5-2-22,51,53,53,51,510000001101,51,5There is an organization responsible for the system. The maintenance and operation of the system are carried out by the collective effort of the users. For instance, if there is certain damage along the canal, someone will inform the others. Then all users fix the date among themselves for the repair work. The management committee personnel provide leadership in canal maintenance.-2-2-2-2-26,5Refer to WECS/IIMI report published by IIMI in 1990.
163,1-2-2-2-2-2-2-1The maintenance and operation of the system are carried out by the collective effort of the users. Mutual understanding and agreement is the way the users get things done. Nobody seems to provide leadership.-2-2-2-2-11,5-2
163,2Chholangkhet ko Kulo Samiti (WUG).19883,55,53,5-2-201000001.5100.52,5-22,51,51,52,5-2-22,51,53,53,51,50,51,51,5The maintenance and operation of the system are carried out by the collective effort of the users. Mutual understanding and agreement is the way the users get things done. The management committee provides leadership.-2-2-2-2-26,5WECS/IIMI in 1988 improved this system. Role of farmers was important in the planning, design, construction and operation of the system. Existing water rights were well considered. Formation of an users organization and a management committee was mandatory. After irrigation improvement, the canal capacity increased, brought more area under irrigation. Water is adequate and reliable. Farmers are still maintaining the system with the leadership of management committee. Cropping pattern has been changed and, so the economy of this system farmers has improved. The system received Rs. 116,066 from WECS/IIMI.
166,1-2-2-2-2-2-22000100000Little coordination amoung appropriators was reported. Yet several norms concerning the amount of labor contribution and the way water is distributed have been developed.-2-2-2-2-22,4In the same year of construction (1973), a Government grant assistance of Rs 50,000 (US$2,676) was given in the beneficiaries for improving the canal. The fund was in the control of Pradhan Pancha. Improvement was done on the contract basis. The users reported that no improvement works in the canal were made, and they believe that the fund was misutilized.
166,2Siran Ko Kulo Committee19733,55,53,5-2-200000000.5100.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,5-24,51,53,53,52,5100000,51,51,5Little coordination amoung appropriators was reported. Yet several norms concerning the amount of labor contribution and the way water is distributed have been developed. The chairman of the committee has been taking leadership in canal maintenance and management. There is increasing competition in resource use with the neighboring irrigation system.-2-2-2-2-22,5(a)In the same year of construction (1973), a Government grant assistance of Rs 50,000 (US$2,676) was given in the beneficiaries for improving the canal. The fund was in the control of Pradhan Pancha. Improvement was done on the contract basis. The users reported that no improvement works in the canal were made, and they believe that the fund was misutilized. (b) WECS/IIMI in 1988 provided Rs. 57,000 for the improvement of this system. The fund was efficiently utilized in improving this system with a higher user participation. It has enabled them to irrigate during the monsoon season also. The management committee formed has to some extent tried to change the rules-in-use ddespite there are some socio-physical constraints.
1,1Thulo Kulo Irrigation Organization193219821,52,53,5-2-203000003.530000003.42,5-2-11,51,52,42,52,54,44,52,53,32,311110111,41,51,5The organization has a MUKHIYA (leader) and a secretary who are elected by the members. The MUKHIYA is responsible for organizing and supervising work done on the system. The secretary keeps accounts and records. The organization has a meeting of the members in mid-May. Other meetings may be held throughout the year if decisions about the system’s operation are needed to be made.2,52,5Thulo Kulo Irrigation SystemAGO1,36,5(1) This system has been mobilizing resources from the village panchayat for canal improvement over the last several years (p.46). (2) 25 years ago, they got a grant of $1750 and technical assistance from the district panchayat for the improvement of intake. After 9 years of the first grant, they got another grant of $500 from the district panchayat for maintenance work (IIMI, 1989). (3) After all these canal improvements, the volume of water has increased considerably, thereby increasing cropping intensity from 100% to 300% (IIMI, 1989).
2,1Raj Kulo Irrigation Organization168019823,52,53,5-2-203000030.430010103.42,5-2-11,51,51,52,52,54,44,52,53,32,311100011,41,51,5The organization has a MUKHIYA (leader) and a secretary who are elected by the members. The MUKHIYA is responsible for organizing and supervising work done on the system. The secretary keeps accounts and records. The organization has a meeting of the members in mid-May. Other meetings may be held throughout the year if decisions about the system’s operation are needed to be made.2,32,3Raj Kulo Irrigation SystemRaj Kulo Irrigation System-12,5This system received help from the government to rehabilitate a large section of main canal. This helped the farmers to reduce their annual maintenance work.
138,2Char Hazar Irrigation Organization18893,52,53,5-2-201000001.510000101.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,54,59,54,54,51,510110010011,51,5The characteristic of this organization is that it is a one tier organization or one committee. As leaders, two JIMAWALS are assigned to manage the system. They are elected annually by the farmers (previously hereditary). Their duties are to inform the members about meetings, keep a membership record, and plan the schedule for desilting and maintenance. During the seedbed preparations, a general meeting is held annually at Barahabot. During the maintenance, there are weekly meetings near the dam.2,52,5AGOAGO2,51,5-2
147,2Bhitoriya Water User’s Association1988-21,52,53,5-2-201000001.510000101.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,54,51,54,54,51,510110000011,51,5Water users group meeting is held to decide about the distribution of resource. General information received from guard and/or any of the user. Decision is taken by chairman or the member of the committee in a meeting.2,52,5WUGWUG2,55,5CARE/NEPAL/ADB/N provided assistance and loan together with the labor contribution from the users. The system was completed in 1988. Forest tree plantation has been done to protect head works. Due to soil erosion problem the canal was shifted towards northern side. Decision is not required to take water daily in the field from the members of the WUG. Water guard is there to look after intake if something happens and if something is happened beyond his capacity, he informs WUG chairman who calls meeting of WUG members and then take necessary actions.
148,2Trimurti (Brahma, Vishnu, Maheshwar) WUA19883,52,52,5-2-201000100.510000100.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,52,51,55,54,52,510,51,51,55 member committee, labor contribution.3,53,5AGOAGO2,55,5Farmers of the command area requested to build a permanent head work for their irrigation system. CARE/N provided technical assistance. Farmers contributed 20 percent of the cost, ADB/N provided 30% loan, and CARE/N also supervised the construction work.
149,1Chhatis Mauja Water Users Organization-13,35,33,5-24444444414440344-1-1-11,3132,53,32,32,3-1-1-12,321212222221,31,3Three tier organizational sturctures were formed within the system and specific job descriptions are given to each tier: a village committee in each mauja, 9 regional committees and one central committee. Written rules and regulations are available. In April, the annual meeting of the general assembly is convened. The annual progress report, work schedule for maintenance, financial accounts are presented by the secretary to the general meeting.-1-1-1-1-11,3-2
150,1-2-2-2-2-2-22022120002No formal organization is responsible for maintenance and operation of the canal. Whenever the need for repair arises, it is done by collective participation of the farmers. Normally the canal is cleaned twice a year.-2-2-1-1-11,4-2
150,2Chhahare Kholo Ko Kulo Samiti (WUG)19883,55,53,5-2-200000001.5101.52,5-22,51,51,52,51,5-22,51,53,53,51,5100010,51,51,5(1)No formal organization was responsible for maintenance and operation of the canal. Whenever the need for repair arose, it was done by collective participation of the farmers. Normally the canal is cleaned twice a year. (2) The management committee personnel provide leadership in the canal maintenance after WECS/IIMI improvement program.-2-2-2-2-26,5A project grant of Rs. 126,615 was provided by WECS/IIMI fro the improvement of the system in 1988. There was expansion of 37 ha of additional land under irrigation. There is changews in the cropping pattern from cereals to the other cash crops and vegetables after improvement program.
151,1-2-2-1-2-2-22010200002During the construction work, the Pradhan Pancha of the Kot Village Panchayat took the initiative to mobilize beneficiaries. At present, the beneficiaires are mobilized for the repair and maintenance work if any one of the beneficiaries informs them about the seed of reparation.-2-2-2-2-21,5-2
151,2Naya Dhara Khola ko Kulo Samiti (WUO)_19883,55,53,5-2-200000001.5101.52,5-22,51,51,52,5-2-12,51,53,54,51,510000001,51,51,5During the construction work, the Pradhan Pancha took the initiative to mobilize beneficiaries. The beneficiaires were mobilized for the repair and maintenance work if any one of the beneficiaries informed them about work to be done.-2-2-2-2-22,5WECS/IIMI provided Rs. 139,839 for the improvement of the system in 1988. Influential leaders in the village took leadership in the O&M of the system. Their decision is usually followed by other villagers. The committee members established by WECS/IIMI are mostly influential leaders and they are in situ. There is also no attempt to change it. Maintenance is under their leadership.
152,1-2-2-2-2-2-22020102002-2-2-1-1-12,5(1) 5 MT of grain was made available by the Government in 1979 for repairing the Canal. Some influential persons made approach to the Government for financial aid. As a result, the Naya Sarkari Kulo is under construction by DIHM. However, the misutilization of Government donation has made the benficiaries inactive. (2) There is a possibility of increasing cropping intensity and production intensity if the irrigation system is managed well, such as establishing norm by the Government.
152,2Besi Kulo Samiti19883,55,53,5-2-200000001.5101.52,5-22,51,51,52,5-2-22,51,53,54,51,5100001,51,51,5Influntial leaders in the village take leadership in the operation and maintenance o fthe system. Their decision is usually followed by other villagers. The committee established by WECS/IIMI is mostly composed of those influential leaders and hence the committee has not changed. There is also no attempt to change.-2-2-2-2-22,5(1) 5 MT of grain was made available by the Government in 1979 for repairing the Canal. Some influential persons made approach to the Government for financial aid. As a result, the Naya Sarkari Kulo is under construction by DIHM. However, the misutilization of Government donation has made the benficiaries inactive. (2) There is a possibility of increasing cropping intensity and production intensity if the irrigation system is managed well, such as establishing norm by the Government. WECS/IIMI provided Rs.1198391.00 in 1988.
153,1-2-2-2-2-2-22000100002No organization is responsible for maintenance and operation of the canal. Routine maintenance work is carried out twice a year. The norm for routine maintenance work consists of the contribution of labor as one person per household. The contribution for labor for emergency work is based on land holding size. In recent years, getting appropriators to participate in maintenance is getting more difficult.-2-2-1-1-12,4In 1982 and 1985, a Government grant assistance was made available to the farmers for the construction of the headwork. But the construction work no longer exists at present. The position of the headwork has been shifed by about 3 feet upstream from its original position during the past. Government and farmers should consider the problems of a canal named Dhap Kulo for better efficient management.
153,2Subedar Ko Kulo WUA19883,52,53,5-2-200000001.5101.52,5-2-21,5-2-2-2-2-2-24,54,52,51000010,51,51,5No organization is responsible for maintenance and operation of the canal. The water turbine owner is responsible for operation and maintenance of the canal.-2-2-2-2-22,5In 1982 and 1985, a Government grant assistance was made available to the farmers for the construction of the headwork. But the construction work no longer exists at present. The position of the headwork has been shifed by about 3 feet upstream from its original position during the past. Government and farmers should consider the problems of a canal named Dhap Kulo for better efficient management. In 1988, WECS-IIMI provided assistance for rehabilitation of the system. For details, refer WECS-IIMI report.
154,1-2-2-2-2-2-22000100002-2-2-1-1-12,4In 1982 and 1985, the Government granted assistance for the construction of the headwork. At present, it would be worthwhile to improve the upper Canal (Subedar Ko Kulo) with sufficient capacity up to the point where command area starts. Then the existing canals, namely Subedar Ko Kulo and Dhap Kulo serving the same comand area, should be treated as distributaries.
154,2Dhap Kulo Samiti (WUO)1988353-2-200000000.501. Mai2,5-22,51,51,51,5-2-2-21,53,54,51,5100001,51,51,5After WECS/IIMi intervention, Subedar and Dhap canal has common intake. 4 Local water mills and one water turbine are operating. There is abundant water, so no management committeee is working now. So there is no rule. The mill owners will do O&M works.-2-2-2-2-22,5In 1982 and 1985, the Government granted assistance for the construction of the headwork. At present, it would be worthwhile to improve the upper Canal (Subedar Ko Kulo) with sufficient capacity up to the point where command area starts. Then the existing canals, namely Subedar Ko Kulo and Dhap Kulo serving the same comand area, should be treated as distributaries. WECS-IIMI provided Rs. 85,000 in 1988 for Dhap and Subedar systems. For detail refer to WECS/IIMI report.
155,1Sotibagar WUA6,52,22,51,3-1-1200200012,3An informal leadership has always been provided by Mr. Banjara, who was the chairman of the ‘construction committee’. Generally he makes the major decisions for the maintenance and operation of the canal.-2-2-2-2-12,2Government aid resulted in farmers’ being inactive for O&M. The main reason of decreasing yield is inactiveness of the farmers for O&M of canal in time.
155,2Soti Bagar Ko Kulo WUG19883,55,53,5-2-201000010.510010100.52,5-22,51,51,52,5-22,52,51,51,54,51,5100011,51,51,5The management committee provide leadership in the O&M of the system. It has been actively working after its formation in 1988. The WUG committee is planning to instal a water mill.-2-2-2-2-26,5Government aid resulted in farmers’ being inactive for O&M. WECS/IIMI provided Rs. 150,000 in 1988 for the improvement of this system. For detail refer WECS/IIMI report.
156,1-2-2-2-2-2-2-1No formal organization is responsible for repair and maintenance work. Generally routine maintenance work is carried out before the monsoon crop and again before the winter crop. All of the six beneficiaries contribute equal man-days of labor for maintnenance as well once they are informed by one of them.-2-2-2-2-11,3-2
156,2Dovan Swar WUG19883,55,53,5-2-200000001.5101.52,5-22,52,51,55,5-2-21,5-23,54,51,50,51,51,5No formal organization is responsible for repair and maintenance work. Generally routine maintenance work is carried out before the monsoon crop and again before the winter crop. All of the 11 beneficiaries contribute equal man-days of labor for maintnenance under the leadership of one influencial individual in the system.-2-2-2-2-16,5WECS/IIMI provided Rs. 74,800 in 1988 for the rehabilitation. For detalis refer WECS/IIMI report.
157,1-1-2-2-2-2-21002100002No formal organization is responsible for labor mobilization, but informal leadership has been provided by a few leading people of the village in order to employ the Katuwal. The contribution of labour is one man-day of labor per household. About a decade ago, the government donations began to come in which have made the farmers very inactive.-2-2-2-2-12,3$1095 (Rs 23,000) was made available by the Government a few years ago: 50% for the work and 50% was misutilized. But the Government donation has made the farmers very much inactive. Users do not participate actively. No increase of command area and crop yields.
157,2Magar Kulo Samiti (WUA)19883,55,53,5-2-201000001.510010100.52,5-22,51,51,52,5-22,52,51,51,54,50,1510021000021,51,5No formal organization is responsible for labor mobilization, but informal leadership has been provided by a few leading people of the village in order to employ the Katuwal. The contribution of labour is one man-day of labor per household. About a decade ago, the government donations began to come in which have made the farmers very inactive. The management committee though not working actively, the operation and maintenance is going well as usual.-2-2-2-2-26,5(a) $1095 (Rs 23,000) was made available by the Government a few years ago: 50% for the work and 50% was misutilized. But the Government donation has made the farmers very much inactive. Users do not participate actively. No increase of command area and crop yields. (b) WECS/IIMI in 1988 provided Rs. 160,805 for the improvement of this system.
158,16,42,22,32,3-1-12000100002Although there is a formal committee responsible for the system, it is not working properly. An informal leadership has been provided by a local leader. It seems that there is no standard procedure handling daily affairs. Usually the local leader raises the need for maintenance and the appropriator participates voluntarily. The local leader also tries to record information, but obviously his effort has not been successful.-2-2-2-2-12,5In 1984, financial aid of 2 MT of grains was given by the Government under the ‘Food For Work Programme’ for improving the canal. However, still a number of leakages along the alignment of canal resulted in a decrease of conveyance capacity of the system. Siran Ko Kulo and Majha Ko Kulo must be improved simultaneously.
158,2Siran ko Kulo Samiti (WUG)19883,55,53,5-2-201000010.510010100.52,5-22,51,51,52,5-22,52,51,51,54,51,520001000021,51,5(a) Although there is a formal committee responsible for the system, it is not working properly. An informal leadership has been provided by a local leader. It seems that there is no standard procedure handling daily affairs. Usually the local leader raises the need for maintenance and the appropriator participates voluntarily. The local leader also tries to record information, but obviously his effort has not been successful. (b) Now thw management committee provides general leadership in O&M of the system.-2-2-2-2-26,5In 1984, financial aid of 2 MT of grains was given by the Government under the ‘Food For Work Programme’ for improving the canal. However, still a number of leakages along the alignment of canal resulted in a decrease of conveyance capacity of the system. Siran Ko Kulo and Majha Ko Kulo must be improved simultaneously. (b) In 1988, WECS/IIMI provided Rs. 136,000 for the improvement of this system. For detail refer to WECS/IIMI report.
159,16,32,32,32,3-1-12000100002There is a ‘reconstruction committee’ responsible for the system, but it is not working properly. An informal leadership has been provided by Mr. Bhattarai. The informal organization manages the distribution of water and system maintenance.-2-2-2-2-12,4In 1958, financial aid by the Government was utilized very efficiently for the improvement of the canal. However, formal organization must be established for better operation and maintenance. Both canals, Siran Ko Kulo and Majha Ko Kulo, must be improved and extended.
159,2Majha Ko Kulo Samiti (WUO)19883,55,53,5-2-201000010.510010100.52,5-22,51,51,52,5-22,52,51,51,54,51,520001000021,5There was a ‘reconstruction committee’ responsible for the system, but it is not working properly. An informal leadership was provided by Mr. Bhattarai. The organization managed the distribution of water and system maintenance. Now the management committee organizes the O&M of the system.-2-2-2-2-26,5(a) In 1958, financial aid by the Government was utilized very efficiently for the improvement of the canal. However, formal organization must be established for better operation and maintenance. Both canals, Siran Ko Kulo and Majha Ko Kulo, must be improved and extended. (b) WECS/IIMI in 1988 provided Rs. 114,000. For detail, refer WECS/IIMI report.
160,1-26,32,33,3-1-1-1No organization is responsible for maintenance and operation of the system. Most of the users participate in routine maintenance work as based on the information given by one of the beneficiaries. The informal leadership changes from person to person in order to mobilize the labor.-2-2-2-2-1-1-1
167,1-2-2-2-2-2-22000100002There is no formal organization responsible for the routine and emergency maintenance. The farmers using the water inform the other beneficiary farmers about the nature of emergency damage and fix the time for repair work.-2-2-2-2-22,5In 1974, a Government grant assistance of $476 (Rs 10,000) was given to the beneficiaries for improving the canal, but all those improvements were subsequently washed away by landslides.
167,2Majha Ko Kulo Organization (WUO)19883,55,53,5-2-210000001.5101.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,52,51,54,53,51,510000000,52,51,5(1)There was no formal organization responsible for the routine and emergency maintenance. The farmers using the water informed the other beneficiary farmers about the nature of emergency damage and fixed the time for repair work. (2) The situation is just reverse after IIMI/WECS improvement program.-2-2-2-2-22,5In 1974, a Government grant assistance of $476 (Rs 10,000) was given to the beneficiaries for improving the canal, but all those improvements were subsequently washed away by landslides. (b) In 1988, WECS/IIMI provided Rs. 113,000 for the improvement of the system.
169,1Tallo Chapleti KuloThe beneficiary farmers carry out all necessary repairs and cleaning works just before the monsoon season begins. One man per household must contribute to this annual repair work. When repair works are needed the farmers are summoned and informed about the nature of the maintenance work and they fix the time for repair work.
169,2Tallo Chapleti Ko Kulo Samiti19883,55,53,5-201000000.51000100.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,52,51,53,53,52,51,51,51,5Prior to 1988 the O&M of the system was led by some village elites. Now after WECS-IIMI irrigation improvement, the management committee looks after the O&M of the system. General meetings of all users are called for regular maintenance and for any disputes on inter-system water rights. Whenever there is some conflict among farmers, they make an application to the management committee and the committee with the consent of the farmers gives a final decision.-2-2-2-2-26,5WECS/IIMI in 1988 provided Rs. 76,000 for the improvement of the system. During WECS/IIMI improvement, farmers part was sought right from the planning design to implementation and O&M of the system. For details refer to WECS/IIMI report 1990.
170,1-2-2-2-2-2-2-1Since there are only two families using this resource, coordination has never been a problem. The sufficiently high flow to water further decreases the chance of conflict. By dividing the responsibility of maintenance into two, the farmers can effectively maintain the resource.-2-2-2-2-21,4-2
170,2Baghmara ko Kulo Committee19883,55,53,5-2-211002,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,54,51,53,53,52,5110000001,51,5Since there are only few families using this resource, coordination has never been a problem. The sufficiently high flow to water further decreases the chance of conflict. By dividing the responsibility of maintenance into two, the farmers can effectively maintain the resource.-2-2-2-2-26,5WECS-IIMI provided Rs. 44,000 for the improvement of the system in 1988. Recently after improvement, the farmers have established a water turbine. They also have brought more area under irrigation and also intensified thseir crop production.
171,16,36,32,21,21,3-11010100002Informal leadership has been continously provided by a group of 3 Majhi families who initiated the construction of the canal. Most of the time information concerning maintenance is given by one of the leading people and the users are mobilized to do the task.-2-2-2-2-22,4(1) In 1986, the Pradhan Pancha of the village, Mr. K. H. Shrestha, made an approach to the Government for the improvement and extension of the canal ‘Food for Work Programme’. As a result, the canal was improved and extended up to Bahunepati. However, due to the installation of a water mill and a Ghatta, a considerable land area was excluded from its command area. (2) In 1971, the Family Planning Association provide a small grant for the extension of the canal, up to the Bahunepati area.
171,2Chap Bot ko Kulo Committee19663,55,53,5-2-200000001.5101.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,52,51,54,54,51,51,51,51,5(1) Informal leadership has been continously provided by a group of 3 Majhi families who initiated the construction of the canal. Most of the time information concerning maintenance is given by one of the leading people and the users are mobilized to do the task. (2) After WECS/IIMI improvement, the members of the management committee have been doing irrigation management task.-2-2-2-2-26,5(1) In 1986, Pradhan Pancha made an approach to Government for improvement and extension of the canal ‘Food for Work Programme’. The canal was improved and extended up to Bahunepati. However, due to the installation of a water mill and a Ghatta, a considerable land area was excluded from its command area. (2) In 1971, the Family Planning Association provided small grant for the extension of the canal. (3) In 1988, WECS/IIMI started irrigation improvement work, and established a management committee, trained committed personnel. It made physical improvement works. Substantial management work was brought forward during this irrigation improvement. Early paddy has been introduced.
172,1Repair and Maintenance Committee197219871,53,43,4-244444444444434442,4-2-11,44,32,33,32,3-1-13,3-12,31020000002-11,3The chairman of the committee is active in mobilizing the labor for maintenance. He informs one influential person from each small community, then the responsible person is supposed to inform all the persons within his area.1,3-2-2-21,31,4-2
172,2Bhanjyang Tar Ko Kulo Committeee19721,53,53,5-2-200000001.5101.52,5-22,51,54,52,53,32,52,51,53,54,51,51,51,51,5The chairman of the committee is active in mobilizing the labor for maintenance. He informs one influential person from each small community, then the responsible person is supposed to inform all the persons within his area.1,5-2-2-21,56,5WECS/IIMI provided Rs. 65,000 in 1988 for the improvement of the system. REFER WECS/IIMI REPORT (1990).
173,1Masina Sat Tale Water Users Group-13,34,33,3-244444343.534444343.5-1-22,31,34,3-1322,32,39,23,3-1-122112222211,31,3Water distribution is supervisd together by the farmers and the Katuwal. Before the plantation of the paddy the farmers would hold a meeting to fix the time for desilting.-1-1-1-1-14,5In 1983, RRADP was completed by the MPLD with the active participation of the farmers and some members of the users committee. The farmers received gabion wire worth $1500 as an advance from PCD through Triohuvan Town Panchayat. However, the intervention of the government is gradually eroding self-help tendency of the farmers, even if the result appeared to be positive. Still there are certain points in the canal where erosion needs to be checked. Especially MPLD constructed system did not have interaction with agriculture.
174,2Ja Jara Water User Organization18901,52,53,5-2-201000001.511000101.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,54,51,54,54,51,510010000011,51,5In both the villages there exists a traditional system to manage irrigation. A person called AGUWA looks after the management of the irrigation systm. Just before the plantation of paddy in June the villagers hold a meeting to elect the AGUWA and discuss other likely problems.-2-2-2-2-24,5After the implementation of RRADP, farmers submitted a project proposal for the construction of the intake. When about 55% of the work was completed, a flood suddenly swept the diversion structure away. The diversion weir was reconstructed by MPLD in 1986 which was heavily damaged by a flood in the same year. The construction was done through a contractual arrangement where the farmers had no role to play. The farmers felt that the irrigation system is owned by themselves, which makes them feel they are responsible for its maintenance.
175,1Torbang Water Users Group-13,3-13,3-2-233444443.534444343.5-1-22,31,34,32,53,32,32,3-1-1-122212222231,31,3At the time when the canal is able to supply water, farmers do not feel necessary to have rigid rules as there is plenty of water available from the source. In April, the farmers of command area hold a meeting to elect a Ditha who organises the contribution of labor for the maintenance of the system.-1-2-2-2-14,5(1) During the monsoon, the Jhimruk river source of water swells up, making irrigation quite difficult. The difficult sitation tends to motivate the farmers in the mobilization of eternal resources and to lessen dependence on the practice of labor contribution. 10 years ago, Krishna Bahadar G. Chettri, a member of Pyuthan District Panchayat, initiated action to obtain financial aid. The construction was accomplished through contractual arrangement by MPLD. (2) Against the intervention, the farmers refused to contribute voluntary labor on the grounds that it would boost contactors’ profit margin. The farmers complained of contractors’ unsatisfactory work. (3) The MPLD was waiting for an additional budget for maintenance and the farmers were waiting for MPLD to begin even the routine maintenance.
176,1Dhanauri Water Users Group-13,3-13,3-24444444434444344-1-22,31,34,32,33,32,32,39-1-1-122212222221,31,3The system of managing canal maintenance and water distribtuion has existed for a long time in the village, though there is not any information about the existene of a formal organization. In order to manage the system, farmers elect an AGUWA annually.-1-2-1-1-15,5Farmers asked the Distirct Panchayat for financial aid to build a canal for water from other sources for the winter crop as well as the summer paddy. CARE/N-ADB/N project construction started 1986 & completed 6/88. Construction committee of 9 members elected from among the users responsible for farmers’ construction efforts. 23% of loan paid back during construction. Ag. yield from 1.75 to 3.21 mt/ha/year. Land value increased 2 & 1/2 times & people residing in the vicinity of command area are migrating to command area. Both agricultural extension & agro-forestry components of project appear successful.
178,1Khahare19853,55,53,3-1-134444443.3101.52,5-2-11,31,56,43,52,46,41,55,55,5-122120022,3-11,5This system does not seem to have much of an organization. There is no record of any structure. It appears to be dominated by two brothers.3,5-1-1-1-16,5(1) This system is a new scheme under the Rural Works Program implemented by MPLD. In order to overcome the shortage of irrigation facilities, Hari Bhakta OLI, a district panchayat member, took the initiative. After the survey and design was done by the DTO, the construction responsibility was taken by Oli. Under the technical guidance of a DTO overseer, the project fund was handled by Oli himself and the users’ committee was not formed. (2) The farmers started to turn the PAKHO land into KHET land. (3) The production rate of paddy and wheat went up to some extent. (4) However, there is still the problem of not enough water because of the temporary nature of the intake as well as the canal. A District Panchayat member, Hari Bhaktu Oli, got funding from the District to irrigate PAKHO (unirrigated) land. The District Technical Office surveyed the system and the system, such that it is, was built under the direction of a DTO overseer and the District Panchayat member.
181,2Badkapath Water Management Committee18001,54,52,52,5-2-210000100.51,5Settle Disputes2,51,54,52,53,52,52,51,53,53,51,510110000111,51,5The Badkapath Water Management Committee allocates water to the different villages. The chief of the committee is known as Pradhan. He calls meetings of landlords and village elites in February, and they visit the intake site and assess the work to be done. Decisions regarding the date to commence the maintenance and repair work and the method of labor mobilization will be made then.3,51,5FMISFMIS1,56,5(1) The local people of Badkapth presented a petition requesting help for the rehabilitation of the system to the King of Nepal, so DOI undertook a survey of this system (1981-82). The official name given the system is Goberdiha Irrigation System (planned to be completed by 1986). (2) The farmers feel that the system is not going to work, since the canal alignment is not the proper type, in view of the river changing courses. Secondly, the maintenance would be difficult. (3) Conflicts relating to the maintaining of previous traditional water rights of the various subsystems might be an issue. Canal gradient can be maintained with DOI’s technical assistance from time to time. Farmers are willing to accept such help and co-operate in the process. Three crops can be potentially harvested. (4) According to the project documents, after the rehabilitation, only 455 hectares will have irrigation facilities among 800 hectares (total land irrigated by Badkapath).
182,1Dharmabati Water Committee-119861,4-13,3-2-2-1400401002,3-2-11,31,31,4-11,43,35,31,3-11,31011220000-11,4The working area of the committee is restricted to the construction and maintenance of the canal. The committee doesn’t play any role in allocation and distribution. The chairman of the committee is the Pradhan Pancha of the Village Panchayat.-2-2-2-2-22,4In accordance with HMG’s strategy for Rural Development, agreement on Rapti Rural Area Development project was signed in August 1980 with the aim of launching an integrated approach for the development of rural areas of Rapti Zone. Dharmabati Project (one of 5 projects) started construction in 1983 under DOI’s undertaking with financial support from USAID/Nepal through RRADP. The present canal water can irrigate 200ha. If a field channel is constructed and farmers are trained, it can irrigate 340ha of the command area. The project was initially started with a new alignment and possible extension of agricultural land under the new irrigation system. However the alignment was terminated to follow the existing farmer-managed systems. Now, the project seem to be merely a connection of the existing systems with few additional structures. It is important to discuss a necessity to dismantle the existing farmers’ organizations and create a unified single organization.
183,2Belgari water users organization19181,54,53,5-2-201000001.510000101.5-2-22,51,51,52,53,52,54,51,53,53,51,510110000021,51,5Committee meetings are first held during mid-June to carry out maintenance work before transplantation. Generally meetings are held on intake site. Besides, people are called together in one place during every flood for carrying out maintenance work. This type of organization is still running well. Farmers have faith in their representatives. Nobody knows what type of organization will be formed and what will be its responsibilities after the construction of the new Big System which encompasses the existing Pancha Kylo system.1,5-2-2-2-22,5The project is entirely a new construction from head to tail. The construction work started from 1985 and targets to complete within 1986. This system would be complementary to the farmer-managed system called Pancha Kulo. Increased extension of cultivated land at the headend of the sub-systems has raised issues regarding the observance of traditionally existing water rights. It is better not to add more command area and not to spend on any more branch canal structure. Until now, the farmers are not getting any credit from ADB/Nepal. The cropping intensity with the proposed cropping pattern will be 202% (now 146%). Only with the proper water management after the completion of the infrastructure, water can be made available to the targeted command area.
185,2Chiregad Water Users Organization19861,52,53,5-2-201000001.511100101.52,5-21,51,51,52,53,52,52,51,54,54,51,510011100011,51,5Though the construction of the system is not complete and the systemis not running yet, a WUO was formed. This WUO has already compiled rules and regulations for the governance and management of the system in the future. However it is not clear what will be the role of farmers and DIHM in the operation and maintenance of the system in the future. Coding of this and other sheets is done based on the rules and regulations prepared by WUO for the management of this system in the future.1,5-2-2-2-21,5-2
186,1Tallo Kulo19843,54,52,52,53003002,5-22,51,51,55,53,52,51,54,54,53,52,411101002,32,51,5Senior rights to Taplek and Pokhariya. They irrigate first. Decision making for day-to-day activities remains with each of 4 service areas. Word is sometimes difficult to transmit to Artunga, which lies at some distance from the other areas.1,5-2-2-2-26An extension project for Tallo Kulo was approved by the District Panchayat Secretariat in 1978. It was to be repaired and extended so that Artunga could be irrigated too. This project was supervised by MPLD. But recently, there has been no government financial aid. In 1970, when flood along the Barrangdi Khola washed away the intakes, Tallo Kulo farmers stole water from the other Kulos. Then the village panchayat intervened at one point to solve the problem, but was told to keep away from this debate, because it was an internal matter that the users used to settle among themselves. External intervention or pressure was not to be tolerated. This case is outlined to stress the need for knowing the existing social arrangements before intervening. The government worked with the existing user groups. Author contends that the District Panchayat was ignorant of property Taplek, Pokhariya and Chherlung had already developed. District Panchayat never consulted the other areas.
187,1Phalebas Tallo Kulo193019803,5-13,3-2-241444411.533000303.5-1-1-11,41,52,53,32,52,3-1-1-1-111000000,51,41,5There is a President, two paid patrol men (Jagire) and a messenger (Katuwal). The President tells the Katuwal to inform Gahaks to go for repair work. They have a general meeting once a year, in the spring, to work out work schedules.-1-2-2-2-22,5This system refused government intervention, preferring to remain autonomous so as to maintain control over their water rights within the command area and at the source. When the government attempted to expand the Phalebas system under an Asian Development Bank (ADB) loan, the members of the system vehemently opposed the scheme. Finally, the government abandoned the idea and designed and aligned a new canal separate from the old one. The intervention has not worked well. It appears as if the intevention may have destroyed the formal organization of Phalebas. In effect, they’ve created a separate irrigation system with a canal some 5 meters higher than the first one. Maintenance on the first one fell off when appropriation on the the second system began. Not much information on the operation of the second system.
188,1Tedhi/Gurgi Water Users Organization-13,34,33,3-244444444134401442,3-22,31,31,52,53,32,32,35,44,34,31,522112211221,31,3There is a central committee which looks after the operation and maintenance of the diversions and main canal, and village level organization which is composed of a village chief, Agheriya, and several other farmers, which takes care of the operation of the system below the main canal outlet. In April or May each year there is a meeting where all irrigators are invited to attend. In this meeting all important decisions are made. The central committee meets about once each month.2,3-2WUOWUO2,52,5In 1968, DOI assisted the organization in replacing the Gurgi diversion with a brick and cement structure. Rs 75,000 was mobilized by the Government along with design and technical supervision of the construction. Labor mobilized by farmers was about equal to the government contribution. In 1985, the Kailali District Panchayat gave Rs 65,000 as grant-in-aid for improvement of the Tedhi/Gurgi system. Since the District Panchayat does not yet recognize the official existence of the Tedhi/Gurgi irrigation organization, the money was given to the Basouti Village Panchayat (not yet resolved).
189,2Phewa Water Users Organization19562,52,53,5-2-201000001.510000101.52,5-22,51,51,54,51,51,55,56,5-2-2-2110000,5-23,5After construction of the new dam, an 11-member irrigation cooperation committee was formed in 1982-83 but did not last long. Currently there is no formal or informal farmer’s irrigation management committee. When there is water shortage, the farmers organize themselves for two reasons: to demand more water in the system from DIHM officials and to work out a schedule for water rotation.4,51,5Ministry of Finance-Revenue Collection Section.5-21,52,5As a pitfall for government intervention, the farmers claim that land that was once irrigated by the old farmer-managed system does not receive water now (insufficient management over the water use). They feel they have been disenfranchised by the new system (command area is smaller). Other farmers stated that there has been unjust water allocation. Politically influential people receive water regularly because of deliberate design of canal to benefit some influential farmers. After the construction of a permanent dam in the fifties, Phewa irrigation system was brought under the supervision and control of Irrigation Department. After the old dam broke in 1975, a new dam was built in 1982. During the period from 1975 to 1982 farmers left their land barren.
190,2Hyangja Water User’s Association19821,54,53,5-2-201100001.511000101.52,5-22,41,54,54,41,51,55,56,53,54,52,5100100,51,52,5Although there is a WUA, majority of appropriation and water use decisions are made by the water monitors employed by the Project. They are paid by DOI and are accountable to the officials of DOI Project and district offices. The WUA has been dysfunctional so far.4,51,5DOI (Department of Irrigation)Land Revenue Collection Office at District HQ1,52,5In 1968, this system was constructed by farmers. In 1974, $1429 in cash and labor were made available through farmers’ voluntary labor contribution and government aid to extend the length of canal from 900m to 1500m, but water did not flow in the canal. In 1982, DIHM (DOI) undertook this project and received financial support from ADB. Hyangja ssytem was completed in June of 1986. Pitfall for government intervention: a) Farmers participated very little in planning and contructing the project. They complain that their requests, ideas, and suggestions are not considered. DOI officials said that DOI/farmer relations are not good and need to be improved (conflict). b) Mutual distrust between DOI and the farmers could be a problem in Hyangja into the future. In 1991, the project office was handed over to the WUG but the farmers are not willing to take the system back. There is no project staff to look after the system, which is supposed to be directly under the District irrigation office.
191,2Sange Patyani Organization198319893,52,53,5-2-201000001.510000101.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,54,51,54,54,51,511000000,51,51,5This organization was formed in order to: a) properly utilize the maintenance budget allocated to the system by the government, b) to set the maintenance priority in consultation with DIHM officials, and c) to set the water rotation so that the tail of the system also gets water for cultivation.1,51,5-2-21,52,5The Sange-Pityani DOI irrigation system is hydrologically linked to the Char Hazar farmer-managed system. Any improvements made on Sange Pityani will greatly affect Char Hazar. This complicates potential improved management procedures. Coordination between DOI and local farmers and also between DOI and DOA appears to be poor even if DOI management is good at Sange Pityani. For farmers’ contribution in the main canal maintenance, better alternative of water charges should be considered.
192,2Panch Kanya Samiti (Committee).198419892,54,52,52,5-201100001.510000101.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,54,51,53,54,51,51200000,51,51,5This organization existed even before the construction of this irrigation system. After the construction of this system, the rules of this organization changed a lot, but it is still functioning relatively well.4,41,5DIHM .4The irrigation committee1,52,5In 1909 (77 years ago), the 5 springs were the source of water for a farmer-managed irrigation system. A JAMMINDAR (large landlord) took responsibility for the system (60 ha). In 1978 (8 years ago), DOI undertook the responsibility of expanding the irrigation and began constructing with the assistance of ADB. After the intervention, the command area expanded up to about 600 ha. Pitfalls are as follows: a) the decrease of faith in DOI capability to supply farmers with reliable and adequate water, b) little effective communication between farmers and DOI, and many conflicts, c) no improvements of poor structure, and d) no definite responsibility limit of maintenance between two. Still, important role of an old, indigenous farmer-managed irrigation system within command area with the autonomy and independence (no dependence on government assistance).
193,1Kamala Irrigation Project198319861,43,5-1-1-144444444444444442,4-2-2-12,31,41,41,3-16,31,3-11,3100022-1-1The Kamala Irrigation Project has 3 components: administrative, technical and financial. The head of it is the project chief, who is an engineer. The personnel recruited for the project have not been integrated with the government civil service. The main task of the organization is to maintain the concrete headworks and see that water is diverted to the main canal. How the water flows in the command area, and how it is used are not its concern.4,3-2Land Revenue Office .3Land Revenue Office .3-21,3No farmers’ organization and no communication between DOI and farmers result in inefficient performance of water use and crops. The government should consider alternatives about active farmers’ participation for more efficient operation and maintenance. Sufficient financial funds should be raised for efficient irrigation organization activities and improvements of the system.
194,1-11,43,31,22,3-1-1-1There is an organization. It used to function relatively well, but nowadays some farmers even don’t know whether this organization still exists or not.-1-2-2-2-21,5The wide gap among DOI personnel, the Agricultural Division, and the farmers has to be closed to take maximum advantage of the potential of Kankai Irrigation System.
195,2Pithuwa Irrigation Committee198119892,52,52,5-2-201000000.510000100.52,5-21,51,51,52,53,52,52,51,54,54,52,510111000111,51,5Organization is in good shape now. They have a new constitution (past 6 months) and rotation works well. Theft is down.2,52,5Canal CommitteeCanal committee2,51,5The Pithuwa system receives about $1660 a year from DOI for O&M and a bulldozer for 3 months to clear the sand and boulders from the intake. A total of NRs 125,000 was spent by DOI during 1971 expansion and NRs 110,00 during the extension and rehabilitation program. Pithuwa water users committee was not developed at the initiative of the DOI, as in Gadkhar. Since 1981, when DOI started handing over departmental O&M budgets to the committee, the role and responsibility of the system level committee has increased manifolds. The system was partially turned-over.
196,2Char Say Phant Organization18863,54,52,5-2-201000000.5101.52,5-2-21,51,52,53,52,54,51,53,53,52,511000000,51,51,5Chhetris dominate this organization.3,51,5AGOAGO1,51,5-2
197,2Satra Say Phant Irrigation Committee198019911,52,53,5-2-201000001.511000101.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,52,51,54,54,51,511000100,51,51,5A ten-member committee is to look after the system. It then contracts the responsibility for water allocation to a water superior. The contract is reviewed each year. Also, the committee contracts for the annual maintenance of the main canal to a maintenance supervisor. Finally, the committee assigns six different people for each night to guard the dam against vandalism by rival farmers in Yampa Phant.1,51,5-2-2-27,5Irrigation line-of-credit has provided a loan of Rs. 1.3 million to make the permanent intake and lining part of the canal as well as aqueducts. The work is in progress.
198,2Yampa Phant Irrigation System19893,52,52,5-2-201000000.510010100.52,5-21,51,51,52,52,52,54,51,53,53,51,510,51,51,53,53,5AGOAGO2,51,5-2
199,2Sutana Irrigation Organization18361,52,53,5-2-201100001.510000101.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,54,54,54,54,52,511000100,51,51,5One caste dominates, but no serious problems so far. It has no formal committee: One man is responsible for system operation. When a problem arises, 5 to 6 members of the irrigation system get together and decide what to do.1,5-2-2-2-23,5In 1985, the irrigation committee received $5000 from the District Panachayat to make a more PUCCA diversion. The farmers were very vocal that they wanted to maintain the autonomomy of their irrigation system, and wished no interference from the government. 75 % provided by FIWUD and 25% local labor mobilized.
200,2Auraha Irrigation Organization1501,53,53,5-2-21000001100001012,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,54,54,53,54,51,5110000101,51,5Sugar farm is utilizing water from the system but do not contribute anything for the operation and maintenance of the canal, therefore farmers are going to stop the share of water going to sugar cane field. There is conflict between the users and the farm.-2-2-2-2-21,5-2
201,1Kerabari Irrigation Committee-119861,43,43,4-2-244444444100001002,5-2-11,51,52,53,52,52,41,43,43,42,410110000121,41,4There are two committees, with one of them for each sub-system, yet they have one common chairman. The chairman, vice-chairman, secretary, treasurer, and members of the committte are elected in an annual assembly by unanimous vote. There are 10 members for each committeee and one chairman. The committees also appoint CHOWKIDARS to operate the irrigation system.1,5-2-2-2-22,5Because of the problem of intake structure, DOI assisted the construction of intake with financial funds. DOI provided $3000 in 1983/84 and another $2600 in 1984/85. Very recently, due to the high cost of operation and management, farmers are beginning to depend on external assistance for irrigation improvements, instead of relying on their own resources. It seems that government intervention is being operated towards a good direction. The committee received Rs20,000 when the government proclaimed 1974-75 as the Year of Agriculture in Nepal.
315,1Lahachowk Water Users’ Association19881,41,43,5-201100100.311110100.32,5-22,41,51,52,53,52,54,51,54,54,52,410111001001,41,43,41,4WUAWUA1,42,5
317,2Rapti-Nawalpur Water Users Association19871,52,53,5-2-201100100.511100100.52,5-21,51,51,52,53,52,52,51,53,43,51,511100010,51,51,5There are 9 members in the main water users committee and make decisions about repair and maintenance, fines, hiring of laboura and employing Dhalpas (water moniters) from their own funds.2,53,5WUAWUA2,53,5FIWUD provided assistence of 75% of the total cost and built intake, outlets, lining, soil cutting, bridge and suspended crossings. A total of Rs. 509386 was spent by FIWUD.
335,1Pokhara Water Conservancy and Irrigation Project (PWCIP)19851,51,53,5-2-201000100.51000100.52,5-22,51,52,54,51,51,55,56,51,55,52,5110000,52,52,54,51,5MOFLand Revenue Collection Office at the District1,51,5-2
336,1Water Users Co-ordination Committee198919901,51,52,5-2-201000100.51000100.52,5-22,51,54,52,53,51,52,51,54,54,51,5100000000,52,51,5The farmers within the BIS clean their field canals and water courses. Bijaypur Water User’s Co-ordination Committee (BWUCC) monitors the cleaning of field canals and water courses if the appropriators have not completed. The main canal and branch canals are being repaired and maintained by DOI. BWUCC has recently formed constitution (laws and by-lawys) which have been recommended by appropriators and is going to be registered in District Administrative Office very soon.4,51,5MOF — Ministry of FinanceWater User’s Co-ordination Committee1,52,5Asian Development Bank and HMG/N through DOI intervened the Bijaypur Irrigation System in 1983-84. Command area has increased. Crop yields have increased after intervention.
337,1Ramghatar Water User’s Committee (RWUC)19861,52,52,5-2-201000101.51000100.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,51,54,51,54,54,51,5100000,51,51,51,5-2-2-2-22,5
338,1Water Users Association Co-ordination Committee (WUACC)19901,51,52,5-2-201000001.511000100.52,5-22,51,54,52,53,51,52,51,54,54,52,50,52,51,5They have 3 different levels of management viz. Water Users Association Co-ordination Committee (main organization), Water Users Association of Branches and at the lowest level there are 8 Water Users Committees to look after the different activities in the lateral canals.1,5-2MOFWUACC1,52,5Asian Development Bank and HMG/N through DOI intervened the Begnas Irrigation System in 1983-4. Command area has increased in one way but in another way created dispute among the old inhabitants and new inhabitants. Crop yields have increased after intervention.
339,1Supaila Community Irrigation Project1940-21,52,53,5-2-200000001.511100101.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,54,51,55,55,51,510111100011,51,5Decisions are made by water user meeting1,5-2-2-2-26,5District Panchayat constructed dam and canals (partially lined) in 1966 but it is washed away by flood. A granted intake and canal was then constructed from the assistance of CARE/ADBN in 1988. Canal primarily runs through the District Panchayat built location but later it runs west and parallel to District Panchayat built canal. Water has been allocated to the branch canals on fixed proportion (without regulate gate, built in concrete design). Allocation of water: Supaila, 1 Aana, Khaireni, 3 Aana, Madhabpur, 1 Aana, Goberdiha, 11 Aana (total water, 16 Aana).
340,2Rapti Pratappur Irrigation System Committee193619911,52,52,52,5-201000001.510000101.51,5Grievance system by two peons, the money (penalties) is used in welfare program like school maintenance.2,51,51,52,53,52,52,54,52,53,51,514011000011,51,5During post-harvest, the farmers attend a general assembly and elect a chairman and a vice-chairman. Each of the six branch canals has a committee and the chairman appoints the five members of those six branch committees. The duty is to examine whether or not the system works well. Two peons are employed by the chairman in order to bring farmers’ grievance. They also inform farmers when, where and why to gather for meetings.1,5-2-2-2-21,5-2
474,1Gajuri jal upvokta samiti199419972,52,53,5-2-201101001.401. Apr2,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,52,51,54,44,41,51,51,51,5-1-2-2-2-2-22,5-13,5150
475,1Balim kulo samiti-119972,52,53,5-2-201101001.4100101.42,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,52,51,53,43,41,5110000101,51,5-1-2-2-2-2-25,5-13,5280
476,1Dhumdi kulo WUA199319972,52,53,5-2-201000101.51000101.52,5-22,51,56,52,53,52,56,59,54,54,51,510110000021,51,5Since WUA is not active, the Aguwa (leader) directs the Agheria (assistant to Aguwa) to execute and monitor day to day operation. In absence of Agheria, Puchharia looks after the work.Aguwa calls monthly meeting to make strategic decisions. The kulo pradhan (one man committee) looks after the entire system.-2-2-2-2-25,5CARE intervened at the request of the farmers. Participatory survey, design and construction.60:30:10.2,519931994The cons. comtt. which was formed in 1993 was converted into after cons.2,5-2-21,51993No change19941994-2-2-2By consensus-2-2-2-2No support2,5CARE provided trg. on rep. and maint., forest nurs11,55,5No coordination12Selection of aguwa, agheria and fines and sanctions, O&M.-2-2-2-21,54,54,51,51,51,51,51,42,51,500-2-200-2-2060
477,1Gobardiha Badkapat WUA199519972,52,53,5-2-201000001.501. Apr2,5-2-21,51,56,53,52,56,59,54,54,51,5-21,51,5Despite the existence of WUA, daily operating decisions are taken by the pradhan for the WUA. Ageria takes operating decision in their respective mauja. Pradhan orders the Ageria for o&m to be done in all mauja. Ageria works under Katkandar. Katkandar of respective mauja assigns jobs to Ageria, who organizes labor force. Mahajum monitors the work of users.-2-2-2-2-27,5ILC intervened in 1994. In 1996 people of other mauja also requested ILC for repair and maint and it was materialized too. The program had not yet been transferred to the users.3,5300
452,1Dnagali Chhap WUA-119972,52,53,5-2-201100101.51100101.52-22,51,51,52,53,52,52,51,54,54,51,5100000001,51,5-1-2-2-2-2-22,5The construction work began in 1996 and has not been completed yet.2,51995-1A union of leaders of 12 villages formed in 1990 and sought the help of concerned agencies like ILC, ADBN.1,5-2,5-2,51,51996-1-2,5-2,5-2,5-2,5-2,5-2,5-2-2-2-21,54,54,53,51,51,51,51,52,53,5000000-2,5-2-22500
453,1Bhitoria WUA198719972,52,53,5-2-201000001.51000101.42,5-22,51,56,52,53,52,54,59,53,33,31,511010000,41,51,5The day to day operation is executed by the WUA and the committee is allowed to take decisions regarding repair and maintenanceof the resource. The strategic decisions are made by the general body meeting and once a year meeting is held.-2-2-2-2-25,5At the formal request of the users ADB intervened the system in 1986 and conducted participatory feasibility study. the intervention was paid in 50:30:20.2,5-2,51988At the time of intervention, ADB suggested the farmers to form a group to avail loan, and the users formed WUA.2,5-2,5-2,52,5-2,5-2,51988-1-1-1-1Previously there was a Sardaruwa to look after the system. After the intervention, the functionnaries of the WUA were selected by mass meeting.-1-1-1-1No support2,5CARE conducted training on repair and maintenance.215,5No cordition1Repair and maintenance, fines, labor mobilization,sanctions.3As C8a23-11,54,54,51,51,51,51,51,42,31,5000000No work-2-280
455,1Thumki irrigation system WUA197719972,52,53,5-2-201000101.401. Mai2,5-22,51,56,52,53,52,54,51,54,54,52,510000000001,5-1-1-2-2-2-2-25,5In 1997 the users took loan from ADBN for repair and maintenance of the canal and did all works themselves.-15
456,1Manikapur WUA199419972,52,53,5-2-201100101.501. Mai2,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,52,51,53,43,43,511000010,51,51,5The day to day operating decisions are made by the committee but it has to be approved by the General assembly.-2-2-2-2-25,5At the formal request of the users CARE intervened the system in 1994 and the mode of payment was 60:30:10.1,519941995At the suggestion of the ADB oficials the farmers formed a group to avail loan.1,54,519941,51994No change19951995-2-2-2General assembly selects the functionnaries by majority voting.-2-2-2-2No support-2CARE gave training on musroom prod.and Animalhealt41,55,5NO2Operation, maintenance, labor mob., fines, sanctions.6as C8a2-2-21,54,54,51,51,51,51,51,52,51,5000000NO work-2-295
457,1Mastar WUA199319972,52,53,5-2-201000101.401. Mai2,5-22,51,56,52,53,52,53,51,53,53,51,5-21,51,5-1-2-2-2-2-25,5ADBN intervened the system at the formal request of the users in 1994 and the mode of payment was 60:30:10, used participatory approach.2,519941995The farmers were asked to organize in a group to avail loan, and the farmers formed WUA.1,55,5-22,5-2-2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1No support-2-2-2-25,5-22Repair and maintenance.12-1-2-21,54,52,51,51,51,51,53,52,51,5-2-2-2-2-2-2ADBN constructed a storage tank worth Rs. 1,29,000 in 1996Labor contribution from farmers.-124
458,1Sukaura besi WUA199719972,52,53,5-2-201000101.501. Mai2,5-22,51,56,52,53,52,54,51,53,53,52,5-11,51,5-1-2-2-2-2-25,5ADBN intervened the system at the request of the users and did the engineering and the mode of payment was 60:30:10.The construction work was completed in 1997 and handed over to the users.2,519971997As suggested by the ADB the users organized in a group to avail loan.15-111997No change-2-2-2-2-2-1-2-2-2-227
459,1Bishaltar WUA199219972,52,53,5-2-201000101.401. Mai2,5-22,51,56,52,53,51,54,51,54,54,51,51000001,51,51,5-1-2-2-2-2-22,5-13,5113
460,1Bichali Bhadehar WUA-119972,52,53,5-2-201100001.4100101.42,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,56,51,55,55,51,511000010,4-11,5Tha zamindar has the influential role to play.-2-2-2-2-27,5The chairperson requested the DIO. DIO did the engg. Construction ended in 1996. Users not satisfied with the constrn due to lower capacity (than expected) of headwok.3,5300
461,1Chisa Pani WUA-119972,52,53,5-2,5-201100101.41100101.42,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,56,51,54,53,52,510000000,41,51,5The decisions of cleaning the canal 8-10 times during floods in monsson is primarily taken by WUA and also in the mass meeting. Fines, emergency funds etc are decided in this meeting.-2-2-2-2-2-2WUA was organized by users at the initiation of the DIO. The users were consulted in engg. design. The construction work completed in 1991. Increased croping intensity after intvn.3,545
462,1Munuwa WUA199319962,52,53,5-2-201100101.4100101.42,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,53,51,54,54,51,51100001,41,51,5The day to day operation is implemented by the WUA executive committee. The executive communitee is given freedom to all kinds of decision regarding the use of the resource.-2-2-2-2-27,5-23,5-2--2Prio to the ILC intervention no executive body of WUA for the appr. resource. Executive body was formed for registration of the system with the DIO.1,55,5-21,51993The WUA was formed only after ILC intervention and this project is in the process of transfer.-2-2-2--2-2-2Operation and maintenance of the system.115-22O and M, labor mobilization, water allocation4same as 1n C8a2-2-21,54,54,52,51,51,51,51,51,52,5-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-218
463,1Supaila WUA199419972,52,53,5-2-2-21000101.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,52,51,54,54,51,51,41,51,5The day-to-day operating decisions are made and implemented y the WUA executive committee. The strategic decisions are made in the general assembly.-2-2-2-2-25,5ADBN thru CARE intervened. Design by engineers and a few influentials, during construction also only a few farmers were consulted. (50:30:20) Completed & transfer in 1991.2,5-2-1991Construction committee fomed and dissolved after construction work. WUA formed only after 3 years of management transfer.1,54,519941,51994No WUA prior to management transfer.19941994-2-2-2The functionaries of WA were selected by the genera body meeting on the basis of majority’ approval and consensus. i.e., unanimously.-2-2-2-2-22,5Training on irrigation managemen, plus A.H. & agri11,5-2-21Rules, fines imposition.3Same as C8a2.-2-21,51,54,51,52,52,52,53,51,51,5000000-2-2-2175
464,1Mahesh fant WUA199619972,52,53,5-2-201000101.401. Apr2,5-22,51,56,52,53,52,54,51,54,54,51,41,51,51,5-1-2-2-2-2-25,5At the request of the farmers ADB intervened the system in 1993 and the mode of payment was 60:30:10.3,525
465,1Gomati WUA199019973,54,53,5-2-201000001.501. Mai-2-22,51,56,52,53,52,54,51,54,44,41,5-21,51,5-1-2-2-2-2-22,5DOI intervened the system in 1991 and did the engineering,users contributed 1%of the total cost and did the lobor work.2,519911992-11,51,519911,51990-11992-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2No support.1,560
478,1Fulika WUA199619972,52,53,5-2-2-2-22,5-22,51,56,52,53,52,5-11,54,54,51,51,4-1-1Despite the existence of the WUA, it is not functional. There is conflict among the users over WUA executive. Appropriators complain that they are not being involved in the selection of the executive committee members. As such there is no rules -in-use that are effective for all appropriators. Therefore they follow the traditional rules used by their ancestors.-2-2-2-2-27,5The VDC made formal request to the ILC. ILC did feasibility survey and started construction work in 1995 and completed in 1996 and transferred the management authority in 1996.2,519951996-11,5-2-22,51996No WUA before handover program-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-202,5-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-21,51,51,52,5-2-2000000NoNo0400
479,1Bauraha WUA199219972,52,53,5-2-201000001.4101.51,5The same committee looks after the community forestry.2,51,51,52,53,52,56,58,53,53,51,511000001,51,51,5The day to day operating decisions are taken by the Chairprson of WUA and the work is executed y Agheria. Upa Agheria monitors the work of Agheria and these two functionaries are paid in kind. Though there exists written rules, they still follow the indigeneous with slight modification. Major modificationis regarding water allocation (ie, fixed time slot-2-2-2-2-25,5First, farmers approached the VDC & VDC formally requested ADBN/CARE which intervened & completed in 1991 & handed over 1992. Participatory design. 50:30:20. Users maintain the sys2,519911992No WUA existed before intervn. While constn, C.C was formed and converted into WUA after constn. Because to get loan from ADB a WUA formation is needed.1,54,5-2,51,51992No WUA before transfer program.1992-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-22,5Forest nursery, Gabion box, mushroom, ag. tour.31,55,5No coordination3O & M, fines, labor mobilization7Same as C8a2-2-21,54,54,51,51,51,51,53,51,51,575-2-2-200N0 essentialstructures improvement0075
202,1Laxmi Canal Committee197119861,43,43,3-2-2-2100101002,4-2-11,41,46,3-1-12,35,2-1-1-11000100010-11,5The chairmanship of the committee is almost an ex-officio who is a panchayat official. The other 11 members are unanimously selected annually. Each committee employs a CHOWKIDAR who is responsible for operating water distribution.-1-1-1-1-12,4After intervention, this system is functioning well due to the good organization between officials and farmers. People still depend on large amounts of village panchayat funding. In particular, Budhabare panchayat was a model village panchayat in Nepal for many years. The people, therefore, have become accustomed to having large financial resources at their disposal (but the model village has been suspended). A flood control systema nd one retaining wall have been constructed with the financial assistance of the DIHM to protect the canal.
206,1Bhorletar WUA19841,52,53,5-2-201000001.51000101.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,54,51,54,54,51,5100010,51,52,5This organization was established on decentralization act tied with the village level political unit. After 1990, the organization is independent. It has one committee and six sub-committees from six units. The responsibility is mainly water distribution with coordination from Dhalpas employed.4,51,5Water Users CommitteeWUC deposit to CT1,52,5DIHM/ILO constructed new system incorporating existing three FMIS. Thus, it was major investment and construction of new system although existing FMIS were incorporated.
207,1Water Users Association198219882,5-13,3-234444444344443442,3-2-11,31,42,33,32,32,52,3-1-1-12022110000-12,3This organization was not able to mobilize people to construct field channels. It is probably because of the relative abundancy of water.4,41,3Transferred from GRDB to Land Revenue OfficeProject manager1,4-2(1) None of agencies have any legal powers to control farmers’ decisions. (2) Recommendation is being made to complete 209,623m of canal lining out of 284,070m of total length. After the completion of lining, 672 hectares of land can be recovered for cultivation from the tail reaches of the pump units. (3) After rehabilitation, the cropping intensity would be increased from 167% to 186%. (4) Design characteristics: wells, pumping units, power generation, transmission and transformation, distribution system and outlets, drainage system, and roads (two types). (5) Farmers seem to be interested in organizing themselves. (6) Crop-wise basis: revenue collection from water charges needs to be integrated with budgetary process. (7) Land consolidation program should be planned.
208,1Handetar Water Users Association19891,52,53,5-2-201000001.51000101.52,5-22,51,52,53,53,52,54,51,54,54,51,5100100010,51,52,5The WUG is registered in the district administration office and has legal status but members are reluctant to take over the system from DOI unless major rehabilitation of the system is complete. The organization is de-facto nunfuntional.4,51,5AGO/DOI jointlyAGO/DOI jointly1,52,5(1)HIS does not have its own maintenance budget and beneficiaries are not technically and financially institutionalized to improve the degrading structures. (2) The IMP of DOI has been improving the system to turn over to the farmers for O&M of the system. The farmers are not willing to take it over unless major rehabilitation work is complete. The wish lists are beyond the regular IMP budget.
214,2No formal organization exists.-1-13,54,53,5-2-200000001.5101.5-1-1-11,55,31,3-12,3-1-1-1-1-12222222223-11,3There is an organization of all farmers, but no committee or officers. Ward members call out labours for maintenance.-1-1-1-1-16,3Lalitpur District Panchayat provided money for maintenance: in 1977, NRs7,000, in 1983, NRs8,000. Farmers want the government to take over the management. A construction committee was formed.
216,1Thulo Kulo Water Users’ Organization-13,54,53,5-2-24444444434440344-1-12,31,31,32,53,32,32,31,5-14,31,522212222221,31,5The regular meeting of this organization takes place on the first week of June. All farmers attend this meeting and decide the schedule of maintenance and amount of Khara. In this meeting they select the Mukhiya and Pale of the system.-1-1-1-1-11,5-2
218,2Champi Kulo irrigation organisation-1-11,52,52,5-2-201000001.510100101.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,54,54,54,54,51,510,51,51,5Village loosely organized. Only a few rules. Fines never collected. Headend has continuous flow while tail has nothing. Can mobilize 2-3 days twice a year several hundred workers.1,5-2-2-2-22,5In 1981, Panchayat begged funds from DOI, NRs 300,000 to repair intake after flood of 13 Ashein (Nyear 2038). Also installed hume pipe (100 meters), 6′ plastic pipe (100 meters), etc.
219,1Parbati Kulo1982-13,55,53,5-2-2-2300303002,3-2-11,51,52,53,52,54,55,43,3-1-110000101,51,5There is a president, treasurer, secretary and then 6 other members of the Parbati Canal Construction Improvement Organization Commitee. It decides on rotation and period of rotation, fines, and when to begin maintenance work.3,5-2Parbati Kulo CommitteeParbati Kulo Committee2,51,5-1
220,1Bhang Bari Irrigation193819921,42,32,5-2-203000303.330030303.32,5-2-11,51,52,53,52,52,51,32,3-1-1101001100,31,5Committee decides on rotation, fines, annual fees. Employs a CHOWKIDAR to convey messages, do work, etc.2,52,5AGOAGO2,41,5-1
221,2Gairagaon Water Users Organization1981-23,52,53,5-2-2-2100.51,5There is a local school partially funded by the irrigation organization.-21,54,52,53,52,52,59,51,51,52,51000010,51,51,5All the farmers are members of the organization. They have formed a working committee. Aguwa work for many years (15). Regular meetings are held in Baishak after the wheat harvest. Minutes of the decisions made are kept in writing. Special meetings are called during emergency times.3,52,5WUOWUO2,51,5-2
222,2Water User Organization196219893,52,53,5-2-201000001.510100.52,5-22,51,5-2-2-22,3-2-2-2-2-210,51,51,5This organization used to function only when reconstruction of diversion structure was necessary, but recently, this organization began to be active. Loose organization. No officers. No fines.3,52,5FMISFMIS2,57,5Recently, the World Bank-financed Irrigation Line of Credit Project has taken the rehabilitation of the system. Also the District Panchayat has been providing periodic assistance in kind (gabion wires) for emergency maintenance. In the current year (1989), a large grant of 130 pieces of gabion wire ($65,000) has been received from the District Panchayat. This case gives us a greater insight to policy makers and concerned agency personnel as to where and how agency intervention could be effective to bring about improvements in the system.
223,1-1198419893,5-13,3-244444444100001002,3-2-11,31,32,33,22,22,31,3-1-1-122212122221,31,4This organization was formed by ADB/N but managed by farmers.1,2-2-2-2-25,5Obtained 757,921 from CARE/Nepal as a grant. Farmers mobilized 58,753 in cash, 387,860 in contributed labor. Obtained a loan of 422,490 from ADB/Nepal. Total construction cost was 1,697,024. Farmers had been trying to dig a canal since 1970. Met stiff resistance for right of way for canals and had resource and technical limits as well until ADB/Nepal entered with a small farmers development project in 1984. The turnover was more or less complete although some agency activities continued after the official turnover. ADB/N and CARE/N encouraged farmers to construct the irrigation system. Before that system, there was no irrigation system. Farmers contributed both labor and capital substantially and the system is now managed by the farmers (intake is jointly managed by both CARE/N and farmers).
224,2Chunatal Irrigation Organization178019921,52,52,5-2-21100001101001012,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,54,54,54,54,51,510000001,51,5Water distribution rotation in Chunatal is fixed by an executive committee. The committee decides on the level of water to be ponded. The committee organizes canal cleaning work each year in June.1,5-2-2-2-21,5Farmers organization in Chunatal long in existence although a new committee was reportedly formed to pass through the ‘ordeal’ of the district panchayat for the release of the funds in 1987. Farmes contributed 525 Rs ($20) and 18 days of labor toward construction. Report provides little information about MPLD project. (Probably just a political allocation of funds to this irrigation system). Grant 5,000Rs. This system was never taken over so there was no question of turning back the system to the beneficiaries.
225,1Kuleriya Water Users Organization-13,34,33,3-2-24444444434440344-1-12,31,31,32,53,22,32,3-1-1-11,322112221221,31,3The chairman of the system is assisted by 31 assistants (one from each village), one record keeper, one water messenger, one Mandar and one Drist. In addition to this, a canal construction and maintenance committee is also in existence under the leadership of a canal chairman.2,3-2WUOWUO2,36,3A bulldozer was provided by the Government in 1987 for the construction of the main canal, and Rs 50,000 was supported through the Tikapur Development Board. In 1986, Rs 125,000 was provided by the District Panchayat as a grant-in-aid for intake construction. Ministry of Agriculture aided with Rs 128,135 worth of materials for the construction of a permanent check dam in the tertiary canal at Manua. A main canal construction and maintenance committee was formed recently (1987) by merging three sub-systems under the chairmanship of former minister and present chairman of the Tikapur Development Board in order to look after the works of the main canal.
226,2Badachaur WUG190719911,52,53,5-2-21000001100001012,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,54,51,54,54,51,510101000001,51,5-2-2-2-2-2-27,5The farmers agree to cost sharing 25% of the toal cost and to take full responsibility for O&M after completion of the project. Farmers agreed with the teams and conditions of the assistance to be provided by HMG under DOI (Irrigation line of credit) towards the capital cost, and their responsibilities in planning, construction and O&M of the sub-project.
227,2Sirsia-Dudhaura Irrigation System Water Users Association.195719921,53,52,5-201000001.511000100.52,5-21,51,51,52,53,51,52,51,54,54,51,511000110,52,51,53,51,5IMP, DOI .5IMP , DOI .52,52,5Author shows that the impact of IMP intervention is positive. Water distribution situation has improved substantially. Time taken to irrigate one bigha (= 0.66 hectare) of land has also decreased for all crops. Some expansion of irrigated land is revealed in the decrease of average holding size of unirrigated (rainfed) land (16.1% to 11%), crop yields, such as maize, wheat, and paddy, increased (i.e. paddy 22%). After IMP’s intervention, the feeling of responsibilty among user farmers has been increased. The O&M section laid pipe outlets at 80 points, completed bank protection of 1192 meters, etc. For strengthening WU tolies, selection of members by election is needed. Cooperation between O&M personnel and WUO representatives, the existence of Dhalpas, and contractors’ works supervision by technicians and WUO representatives (the function of MEF) should be emphasized for the improvement of the system.
228,1Malebagar WUA18581,53,53,5-2-201000001.5101.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,54,54,54,54,51,511000010,51,51,5The organization is registered at District Administration Office. There are 7 members, oner chair, and six other – two from each branch. General meeting – twice a year. The committee meets every two months. Strong organization. They have also revolving fund called Dharma Bhakari locally which is deposited in the Bank in Organization’s name.2,52,5AGOAGO1,52,5In the year 1978-1979, when a partial section of the canal was lined, a sum of Rs 10,000 was granted by the District Panchayat which required that essential local labor be mobilized simultaneously. Given this past experience and the cooperation fo the farmers, the authors argued that future interventions to improve the physical system could be effective. The Irrigation Management Project of DOI has constructed permanent structure and lined most of the canal during 1988-90. Rs. 125,950 was provided by IMP for this purpose.
230,2Gadkhar Irrigation Project Organization19821,52,53,5-232200303.530310301.52,5-21,51,54,52,5-11,52,54,51,54,51,51110010,51,52,5Committee of appropriators makes decisions but cannot enforce them. Water is stolen with impunity. For authority, the chairman may write to the Chief District Officer. Committee can make suggestions but little more. Has no apparent authority. High caste immigrants at the head end have been stealing most of the water. Users committee managed by Panchas.1,5-2-2-2-2-2System is new but seems to operate as an FMIS now. Was ‘offspring’ of Rasuwa/Nawakot Rural Development Project. Orchard land from an old Rana estate was taken over by immigrant Brahmins. Project built the system. Authority remains divided among user’s committee, Panchas, and technical staff. There appears to be no effective executive authority.
231,2Sewar Water Users Organization200-23,52,53,5-201000001.510100100.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,54,54,555,51,510111000011,51,5There is no particular day or time fixed for meetings. Special meetings may be called if there is a decision needed. All important decisions regarding the operation of the system are taken collectively. Irrigation organziation is usually active from June to September.1,5-2-2-2-26,5The author suggests that the government provide necessary technical support and encourage such activities within the country without spoiling its basic structures. An inappropriate approach of government intervention in the construction and management of irrigation systems is likely to lead to erosion of the self-help attitude of the farmers.
232,2Guthi-119923,53,52,5-201000001.5101.51,5Si Guthi is formed mainly for helping its members during the times of death of the family of Guthi members. Sometimes these Si Guthing mobilize members for irrigation management, cleaning water spouts, restoring temples, etc.-21,51,52,53,52,51,51,51,53,52,51000010,51,52,5The main function of Si Guthi are to maintain canals, organize Dhalpas to supervise water allocation, and guard the canals at some strategic points. The chairmanship of the Guthi is hereditary.1,5-2-2-2-22,5DOI undertook O&M responsibility ever since the system was rehabilitated in 1965. Nepal Peasant’s Organization (NPO) was formed at the initiative of the farmers in the district. The above assistance of government was requested by the NPO. The total rehabilitation cost was Rs 585,000. After the rehabilitation of the system by the government, the level of water in the canal has been reduced. Also there is no change in the cropping pattern. As far as the water allocation is concerned, there has not been any significant change before and after the rehabilitation of this irrigation system. The DOI’s O&M is weak, whereas the farmer’s O&M is strong (the farmer’s own Dhalpas is active). Also because the headwork has been made permanent, farmers are less interested in managing and maintaining the system.
233,1Development Club198019841,31,32,52,5-210100100-11,51,52,53,42,42,42,3-1-12,3112100001,31,3Within the Development Club, the Local Branch Arughat (DCLBA), an action committee, is elected, and has a term of 2 years. The executive meeting is held once a month. The general meeting is held at least twice a year.2,4-1Development Club (DCLBA)Development Club (DCLBA)2,56The Development Club (DC) was established on May 29, 1980 to develop the village and nation with the initiative of people. The DC launched AVCIS with the financial assistance of Rs 120,000 from Bread for the World. The DC has taken full responsibility for the project formulation, design, implementation and financial control. The demonstration of wheat cultivation has been successful. In the implementation of this project, three institutions were involved: Bread For the World, DRCG, and DC. Currently, the fund for three hume pipe irrigation is approved by Bread for the World.
234,1Mana Besi Phant Water Users Organization-13,34,33,3-2-14444444444440344-1-12,31,31,32,33,32,3-1-14,3-1-122222222221,31,3No formal irrigation organization except Panchayat Units were found. There are locally accepted persons who make house calls and gatherings and every land owner becomes a member for such gathering. The meetings are generally held before and immediately after transplanting for the purpose of canal clearing and desilting works.-1-1-1-11,36,3In 1979, farmers of the lower system requested government assistance because of the water shortage due to land-slide problems. The boom part of the Kulo (lower) and the intake structure were constructed by the Hill Food Production Project at a cost of about Rs 4.0 lacs. The reliability of the system has been increased after the construction. The author emphasizes that as these systems except the lower system are totally running through farmers’ own efforts, intervention of MPLD should not lead to the conflict among farmers and technicians, and sole responsibility should be provided to farmers.
235,2Labdu-Dhikure-Sera Irrigation Organization1,53,52,5-2-201000001.510000101.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,51,52,54,53,53,51,51000000,51,51,5There used to be relatively effective water user’s organization, but that organization was virtually displaced by a new one and it has no authority and no real leadership.1,5-2-2-2-2-2This system design was completed by the Irrigation Deparment in 1978. Construction was executed by a number of contractors under the supervison of the Irrigation Engineer and on-site overseer. Cropping patterns have changed very little in Sera and beyond, because the area has received virually no water. The extent of irrigation coverage is greater than expected at the design. After being taken over, farmers have become dependent upon authorities whom they blame for their troubles. The new system established a hierarchy. Cropping intensity increased from 163% to 221%.
236,2Kusuna-Gathauli Irrigation Organization.195719911,52,53,5-2-201000001.510000101.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,52,52,54,54,51,511000100,51,51,5The committee has 5 members but the two villages work independently on resource mobilization.1,5-2-2-2-21,5In 1979, the District Panchayat office provided a grant assistance of NRs 7,000 for the reconstruction of the canal.
237,2Kathar Irrigation Organization189019921,52,53,5-2-201000001.510100101.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,52,51,54,54,51,511000100,51,51,5Only four member committee. Organization has strong support from general assembly of users.-2-2-2-2-21,5-2
238,2Kulo Samiti196119911,52,52,52,501000001.5101.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,54,51,54,54,51,511000000,51,51,5The organization comprises of 3 members only. The organization calls a general meeting to decide repair and maintainance of canal.2,52,5WUOWUO2,53,5In 1967, the system was expanded with a grant assistance of Rs 7,000 from the district panchayat and local development office. This provided an additional 19 bighas of command area (total 40 = 21 in 1961 + 19). The FWUD has constructed an irrigation canal known by the name of Janakalyan ‘Kha’ Kulo. This started providing water to the Kharkhutte upper system from 1985 to cover another additional 70 bighas. FWUD’s construction of the new canal respected farmers rights.
239,2No formal organization-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-1No formal organization of the water users exists for this system. Being a small group of beneficiaries, it is not difficult to gather them together, and they have an annual meeting.-2-2-2-2-21,5-2
240,2Kharkhutte Tallo Kulo Samiti (Committee)19571,52,52,5-2-201000001.5101.52,5-22,51,52,53,52,52,51,54,53,52,511000010,51,51,5In 1980 a formal water user’s organization was formed, with Ward Adhyaksha as chairman of the committee, but it could not function for some unknown reason. At present, there is organization comprising 3 members and has taken initiative to coordinate people’s participation in the process of the maintenance of the system.3,51,5WUOWUO2,54,5In 1980, the canal dykes and the intake point were rehabilitated with Gabian diversion structure. The work was formed with a grant assistance of Rs 7,000 from the District Panchayat and the local development office.
242,2Janakpur Water Users’ Organization19321,53,53,5-2-201100001.511000101.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,54,51,54,54,51,511000100,51,51,5Before 1980s the system was running under zamindar (landlord) arrangements and irrigated only a limited area of land. Afterwards, the WUC was formed and also command area increased considerably.2,53,5AGOAGO2,54,5The District Panchayat contributed a grant assistance of Rs 3,000 in 1985 for the rehabilitation work. The new command area of the system will increase to 347 Bighas (from 283 Bighas). But this amount is only a small portion of the total costs.
243,2Kapiya Water User’s Organization194819913,52,52,5-2-201000000.510000100.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,54,51,54,54,52,511000010,51,51,5-22,51,5WUOWUO2,53,5A grant assistance of Rs 5,000 was provided by the District Panchayat office in 1978 for the expansion of the system. The water users organization calls the meeting of the users and discuss about the o&m of the canal. In case some amount is required to improve the system, funds are collected on the basis of land holdings.
244,2Kulo Samiti195119871,52,52,5-2-201000001.510000101.52,5-2-21,51,52,53,52,54,51,53,53,51,510110000111,51,5In addition to this organization, there are 3 sub-system organizations. But we treated them simply as branches because there is no variation in rules among them. Access rights to resource are the same.1,5-2WUOWUO2,55,5The property rights of farmers are well protected by constructing proportioning weir. However, the elevation of Sishani Kulo being higher than Dharampur and Kumroj, people of Sishani have to contribute more labor and maintenance activities.
245,2Sathi Bighe Coooperative WUA19841,52,53,5-2-201100001.510100101.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,54,51,53,53,51,511000100,51,51,5(1) This organization provided the general supervision of the work and budget as well. Maybe this organization will turn into a functional water users’ organization. But no guidelines have been made so far regarding the maintenance of this system after construction is finished. (2) The system being comparatively new and the farmers being homogeneous group strong organization. The general meeting takes place once in a year, and farmers contract out the maintenance to the outside seasonal labor.2,53,5AGOAGO2,55,5In 1986, a loan of Rs 162,000 was made at the rate of Rs 2700 per bigha from SFDP of ADB/N for the construction diversion structure, canal network, etc. CARE/Nepal provided assistance in the form of cements (1000 bigha), steel rods (3 quintals), Gabian wire (5 quintals), etc., for the construction of the permanent diversion structure. Another loan of Rs 85,000 was provided by SFDP to acquire land (17 katha) for the alignment of the main canal. The system is expected that the area under spring season as well as main season paddy will tremendously increase. The contribution of the farmers was 6600 man days.
246,1Kulo Nirman Samiti198419873,3-1-1-2-201000101.51000101.51,5They are supervising the construction work of this system. They actually are not doing anything regarding appropriation since the system is still under construction.-11,51,32,3-12,32,3-1-1-1-12222222223-2-1There is no appropriators organization, but there will be one after construction, and it will have DE JURE right to manage the system.-1-2-2-2-15,5The construction of this system was initiated under the assistance of SFPP of the ADB/N and CARE/Nepal in 1984. The project is still under construction and is expected to operate from April of 1987.
252,2Chhepetar Irrigation Committee (WUO)198119911,52,53,5-2-201000001.511000101.52,5-22,5-16,52,53,52,54,51,54,54,51,511000000,51,51,5This committee was formed by DIHM and had had no effect at all in practice until recently. However in recent years, it has been appearing as an active organization for canal management. But how much the committee could achieve is yet to be seen.1,5-2-2-2-2-2-2
253,2Sajhatar Canal Committee19811,53,53,5-2-201100100.5110100.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,51,54,51,54,53,51,510001000011,5-1There is a canal committee formed by DIHM, but no one knows the name of the members and its function.1,5-2-2-2-22,5Since 1967, DOI’s intervention to this system resulted in poor performace and no improvement of water supply. The farmers suggest handing over the system as a more efficient way of managing the canal. At the request of people of Sajhatar, DIHM expanded and renovatd the canal to bring the water to Saghatar in 1967. Water never reached Sajhatar. Supply of water has been reduced even in the area which was previously irrigated more reliably.
256,2Bhanu Bhairah Irrigation Organization196119913,52,53,5-2-201000001.511000101.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,54,54,54,54,51,511000000,51,51,5There exist sharecroppers who are not tenants and not protected by Nepal’s Tenancy Act. This fact may cause some problems but are not mentioned in documents.1,5-2-2-2-26,5HFPP (Hill Food Production Program of the Department of Agriculture) partially lined the canal in 1986 and built a permanent intake. Farmers got water only for one year. The intake started leaking and farmers built a brush dam to check leakage.
265,1Parwanipur Water Users Association19893,3-13,3-201000001.51000101.5-1-12,31,31,32,33,32,32,34,5-1-1-111000100,52,31,3When the construction of the scheme was complete, WUA was formed prior to hand over of the scheme by CARE/N in 1989. The committee met 12 times last year. The major points of discussion in the meetings were silt cleaning in the main canal, water distribution criteria, conflict resolution on water distribution during winter crop season.2,53,5AGOAGO2,55,5Farmers initiated the request by putting an application in SFDP office. G.O. initiated the dialogue with farmers. There were many changes made in the original design on the suggestion of farmes and CC members. Supervision was done by SFDP resident overseer and technicians from CARE/N. The proportion of grant, loan and farmer’s contribution was as follows: CARE/N = 50% of cost (grant in the form of construction materials), ADB/N = 30% of cost (loan to the farmers), Farmers = 20% of cost in the form of labor mobilization. There is a significant increase in average yield rates of rice, maize, and wheat after the rehabilitation. CI increased from 140% to 210% after the scheme.
266,2Rajaiya Water User’s Committee19883,52,53,5-201000001.510000101.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,54,51,53,53,52,511000000,51,51,5Although there is water user’s committee comprising of a chairman, secretary and 5 members, the committee is almost nonfunctional due to the absence of routine maintenance. The committee is responsible only for the regular repair, maintenance of pump sets and allocation and distribution of water only for potato and wheat cultivation.2,53,5AGOAGO2,55,5The system was rehabilitated in 1984 with the help from CARE/N and ADB/N. The intake and a portion of main canal was washed out twice in 1984 and 1985. CARE/N accepted that lack of technical farsightedness was the main cause of failure so provided 2 pumpsets to the farmers free of cost. The farmers received diesel pumps in 1988/89 for irrigation purposes so the scheme is operating now. As paddy cultivation requires much amount of water and the cost of diesel is high, farmers do not use pump sets for irrigation of rice. Farmers use pump sets for irrigating vegetables, wheat and potatoes. Crop intensity dropped to 255% when the pumps were introduced.
267,2Barhakol Water Users Group19861,52,53,5-2-201000001.510000101.52,5-2-21,51,52,53,52,54,51,54,53,51,5100,51,51,5Since the scheme has not been handed over to farmers, the water users group has not been formed yet. Nevertheless, all functions related to the system maintenance is carried out by the present construction committee. Meetings are called whenever deemed necessary. After the completion of the scheme several meetings were held which are properly recorded.2,53,5Water Users OrganizationWater Users Organization1,55,5Since the main canal was washed out by flood after one year of construction, farmers applied to ADB/N for further loan and technical assistance. The ADB/N overseer was resident in the construction site throughout the construction period. The government, the bank and the farmers are still in the process of settling accounts. The construction was completed in March 1990. The CI has increased from 190% before the scheme to 218% after. A major change in triple cropping has been practiced in irrigated land.
268,1Kumroj-2 Water Users Group19873,34,33,3-200000101.51000101.5-1-1-11,3-12,33,32,32,3-1-1-1-122122222231,31,3WUG was assigned the responsibility of system maintenance. The system was physically divided into head, middle and tail portions, where water management and maintenance responsibilities were assigned to sub-organization. Meetings are called as per the requirements. The meeting of system maintenance is generally general body meetings.-1-2-1-1-15,5The farmers initiated the request and approached SFDP. Detailed survey and supervision was done by an engineer and an overseer from CARE/N. 50% of the cost was born by CARE/N. Farmers put in 30% as a loan from ADB and 20% as labor. The construction was completed in 1987. Property rights are respected. The command area after intervention increased from 60 to 390 ha. The farmers are managing the system well. Crop intensity increased from 260 to 300%.
269,1Bepari Raha Water Users Group1986-13,3-13,3-200000101.51000101.5-1-12,31,31,32,23,32,32,3-13,3-1-122222222231,31,3After the WUG was formed in October 1986, only seven meetings were held. The last meeting was held in August 1988. Only a few farmers attended these meetings. No one appreciated the significance of the committee.-1-2-1-1-15,5Farmers who were benefitting from the existing irrigation system initiated the request for rehabilitation, through the SFDP office at Devighat. The ADB/N overseer stationed at the branch office in Trishuli was assigned to be supervisor. By the time the equipment and materials from CARE/N arrived, 1.5km of canal was already dug. Actual canal alignment was 10m higher than the designed alignment. The change was discussed with farmers. The construction work was actually completed in April 1986. The total cropped area after the scheme was built increased 1.5 times. The average crop intensity after the project was completed increased from 201% to 260%.
270,1Balthali Water Users Group19833,34,33,3-201000001.3101.4-1-12,31,31,32,23,32,32,31,44,44,41,31000001,41,31,3A water users committee was not formd immediately after the first rehabilitation in 1983. The O&M of the canal was done by the construction committee itself. WUG was formed in 1986 after the 2nd rehabilitaion which remained functional only for 2 weeks. I think after that the farmers didn’t have any formal organization. After the 2nd rehabilitation the system broke again. This year, 1990, the farmers used the system after 6 years and transpanted rice.1,4-2-2-2-25,5The first rehabilitation was completed in 1982 involving ADB/N and Farm Irrigation and Water Utilization Division (FIWUD) of the Department of Agriculture. The scheme broke down after 2 crops in 1984. CARE/N and ADB/N were involved in the second rehabilitation process which was started and completed in 1985 and 1986 respectively. There was major destruction of the scheme only 15 days after its completion. No effort was made to repair the canal for 3 years. This year, 1990, farmers have planted rice on 20 ha by using water from the scheme for the first time after a period of 6 years. Construction after CARE/N involvement included mainly major repairs at various sites which were destroyed by land slides.
271,1Kanjawar Water Users Organization1988-13,34,33,3-2-23444443.5-1-12,31,352,23,32,32,32,33,33,32,3111000000,51,31,3The general meeting of the farmers takes place 2 times a year in the month of May and September, mainly for labour mobilization. But the functionaries meet every month. The committee members select participants for training and other related activities.2,32,3WUOWUO2,35,5Kanjawar irrigation scheme is a rehabilitated river valley scheme completed in 1988 with assistance from ADB/N and CARE/N. The money was spent on the construction of a water retaining dam at the intake site and a 32m-long truss was constructed to support aqueduct in the deep gorge of the river Gajari.
404,1Chipleti kulo WUA198019932,52,53-2-201000100.51000100.52,5-12,51,51,52,53,51,56,51,54,54,51,511000000,51,51,5-11,5-2-2-2-2-2-2241
405,1Bairani WUA196919933,52,53,5-2-200000000.5111100.52,5-22,51,51,56,53,52,56,51,54,55,51,510110100121,51,5-11,5-2-2-21,51,5-1150
406,1Belchi kulo WUA (Chainpur)197819933,54,53,5-2-200000000.51110101.52-22,51,51,56,53,52,56,51,52,53,51,511110000111,5-1-11,5-2WUAWUA1,51,5-1200
407,1Jyamire kulo WUA196319933,52,53,5-2-200000000.51110101.52,5-22,51,51,56,53,52,56,51,53,52,51,511110000111,51,5-11,5-2WUAWUA1,5-2-180
408,1Baheri kulo WUA198219933,52,53,5-2-200000000.53110100.52,5-22,51,51,56,53,52,56,51,53,52,51,511110000111,51,5-11-2-2WUA1-1-2100
409,1Chiuri Ghol Kulo WUA198319933,52,53,5-2-200000000.51110100.52,5-22,51,51,56,53,52,56,51,53,53,51,510100000111,51,5-11,5-2WUAWUA1,51,5-275
410,1Chtra Pipra Kulo WUA198119933,51,53,5-2-200000003.5101.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,52,51,54,54,52,510110000011,51,5-11,5-2-2-2-21,5-236
411,1Kanchanpur (Kankali) Kulo WUA196219933,52,53,5-2-200000000.51110101.52,5-22,51,51,56,53,52,56,51,53,53,51,511110000111,51,5-11,5-2WUAWUA2,51,5-2-225
412,1Patihani Kulo – 2 WUA186319933,52,53,5-2-200000000.51100100.52,5-2-21,51,56,53,52,54,59,53,52,42,410100000111,51,5-11,5-2WUAWUA2,51,5-237
413,1Belchaur WUA197519933,52,53,5-2-1-2101.52,5-2-21,51,56,53,52,52,51,53,53,51,511000000,51,51,5-11,5-2-2-2-21,5-2260
414,1Khaireti Kulo WUA195919933,52,53,5-2-200000000.510101.52,5-22,51,51,56,53,52,54,51,53,52,52,512112200111,51,5All the appropriators get united to withdraw water in headworks. They supervise the entire resource by themselves. Cleaning and maintaining of the canal is all what day to day activities governs. Rules are flexible enough to adjust the situation faced by individuals overtime.1,5-2,5-2,5-2,51,51,5-275
415,1Amiliya Madhavpur Kulo WUA197019934,54,53,5-2-100000000.53310301.52,5-22,51,51,56,53,52,56,51,53,53,51,510111000011,51,5-1-2-2-2-2-21,5-290
416,1Madhavpur 7 & 9 Budhi Kulo WUA197419933,52,53,5-2-200000000.5101.52,5-2-21,51,52,53,52,52,54,55,55,51,511110000011,51,5-21,5-2-2-2-21,5-2240
417,1Bairahani Pakadibas WUA.196519933,54,53,5-2-200000000.51110100.51,5-22,51,51,56,53,52,56,51,53,52,51,510110010111,51,5-11,5-2WUAWUA1,51,5-2184
418,1Chautara Kulo WUA.198619933,52,53,5-2-200000000.51110101.52,5-22,51,51,56,53,52,56,51,53,52,51,510010000111,51,5-11,5-2WUAWUA1,51,5-247
419,1Madhavpur Tallo `Kha’ Kulo WUA.197319933,52,53,5-2-200000000.53310100.42,5-2-21,51,56,53,52,56,51,53,53,51,511110000111,51,5-11,5-2WUAWUA1,51,5-280
420,1Madhavpur Upallo `Ka’ Kulo WUA197419933,52,53,5-2-200000000.51110101.52,5-2-21,51,56,53,52,52,56,53,53,51,511110000111,51,5-1-2-2-2-2-21,5-2104
421,1Una tol WUA195719932,52,53,5-2-200000000.5100100.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,54,51,53,53,51,511000000,51,51,5-11,5-2-2-2-245
422,1-2Though this irrigation system is based on spring water, which remains almost for 8 to 9 months in a year, the condition and management seems very poor. The organization was established long back for once, which remained functionless and is thus collapsed.
423,1Surtani WUA197219932,52,52,5-2-201100000.51100000.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,56,51,54,54,52,510000000,51,51,5-11,5-2,5-2,5-2,5-2,51,5-2.548
424,1Gainda Khola Kulo198019932,52,53,4-2-200000000.51110101.52,5-2.52,51,51,56,53,52,56,51,54,54,51,510110000011,51,5-1-2100
425,1Patehani Kulo WUA197519933,52,53,4-2-2-2100.42,5-2.5-251,51,56,53,52,56,51,5-1-12,5111100000,51,51,5-1--224
426,1Madahavtar Kulo WUA192819932,52,53,5-2-2-2100101.42,5-2.52,51,51,52,53,52,54,51,54,54,51,510000000,51,51,5-11,5-2,5-2,5-2,5-2,5-1-2120
427,1Panchkanya Nahar Upvokta Samati19801992-14,52,5-2-21011001012,5-22,51,51,56,53,51,52,51,53,53,51,510000000011,51,5-1-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2200
428,1Naya Jamune Kulo WUA198319932,52,53,5-2,5-2-21100100.42,502. Mai2,51,51,56,53,52,52,51,54,53,52,511000000,41,51,5-1-250
429,1Bakulahar Budhi kulo (BK6)197019933,54,53,5-2-2-1-1-1-1-21113221-2-2-21011000001-11-111-2-212-1-2-2-2-2120
430,1Sukha Kulo-2 WUA197819933,52,53,5-2-200000000.41100100.42,5-22,51,51,56,53,52,56,51,51,52,51,510100000111,51,5-11,5-2WUAWUA1,51,5-2-20
431,1Dubichaur WUA196519933,52,53,5-2-200000000.5110101.52-22,51,51,56,53,52,54,51,53,52,51,510110000111,51,5-11,5-2WUAWUA1,51,5-2120
432,1Badara WUA195819933,52,53,5-2-200000000.51110100.51,5Road making and maintenance, forest conservation etc.2,51,51,56,53,52,56,51,53,52,51,510110000111,51,5-11,5-2WUAWUA1,51,589
433,1There is no WUA.18921993-2,52,5-2,5-2-200000000.50.52,5-2-251,5-2,5-2,5-2,51,51,5-2-2
434,1Debauli kulo WUA195919934,54,53,52-1-2-2-2-22,51,5-2,5-2,5-2,5-2,5-2,5-2,5-2,5-2,5-2,5-2-2-2-1-2-2-2-2-2160
435,1Daduwa (Shivapur) WUA197519932,52,53,5-2,5-201100100.51000100.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,54,51,54,54,52,51100001,51,51,5-11,5-2-2-22,51,573
436,1Beluwa Martal Kulo WUA197319933,52,53,5-2-2-201. Mai2-2-21,51,56,53,52,54,51,53,53,52,510000000001,51,5All the rules are in unwritten form.1,5-2-2-2-21,5-2.530
437,1Kalimati WUA181719972,52,53,5-2-201100101.51100100.52,5-2.52,51,51,52,53,52,52,51,53,53,52,5-21,51,5The WUA is not registered yet because of some organizational conflict within WUA. The chairman was accused of corruption and the members are not pleased with the organization.-2-2-2-2-25,5On the request of the farmers CARE intervened the system in 1991. The mode of payment was 50:30:20 in which farmers contributed labor worth 20% of the total investment.2,519881994ADB suggested the farmers to organize into a group to avail loan and the farmers formed WUA.1219881,51995-119951995-2-2-2The same construction committee was converted into WUA.-2-2-2-2-22-2-2-2-2-24Cleaning of the canal and other issues.5Fund raising and account keeping.-2-21,53,54,5-21,51,51,51,52,51,500-2000-2-2-28
438,1Khurkhuria Sinchai Ayojana199319972,52,53,5-2-201100101.51100100.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,52,51,51,53,51,5111000000,51,51,5-1-2-2-2-2-27,5At the request of the farmers ILC intervened the system and did the engineering. The mode of payment was 85:15. Farmers contributed labor worth 12.5% of the investment.2,519921995The water users requested the DOI. Participatory engineering design, site selsction, construction, supervision and labor activities.2,52,519941,51993The committee members increased from 13 to 17.1993-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-22Training on repair and maintenance of the system.215Headwork and main canal+ branches are maintained by DOI and WUA respectively.11Operation and maintenance at all events including flood.11Repair and maintenance, extra work during flood, sanctions.3-11,53,51,51,51,51,51,51,51,51,58500000000300
439,1Chhamuria WUA189419972,52,53,5-2-201100101.4100001.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,52,51,54,54,51,510000010,41,51,5Although WUA exist yet it is not functioning well because of misunderstanding and mistrust among users of three different villages.-2-2-2-2-27,5-13,5300
440,1Gangdi WUA199119972,52,53,5-2-201100101.5100101.52,5-22,51,5-21,53,52,5-21,55,55,51,511000001,4-11,5After the intervention the construction committe was converted into the WUA, which was supposed to work along with the Zamindar. The pillar supporting the polythene flume was destroyed by the flood within 1.5 months of construction work. So they do not have easy access to the water from this resource.-2-2-2-2-25,5Intv in 1991. Complete 1994. 60:30:10. Engg by ADBN. Broken pillar. No access to water.-2,5200
441,1Ranigar jal upvokta samiti190119972,52,53,5-2-201100101.4100101.4-2-22,51,51,52,53,53,56,51,54,53,52,511000010,31,51,5The sardaruwa (Guard since ancient time) still looking after the system, imposes fines to rule breakers. Sardaruwa acts as the secretary of WUA. WUA estd 1992. There is a chaukidar to assist the sardaruwa.-2-2-2-2-27,5-13,5400
442,1Hudrahawa WUA189319972,52,53,5-2-201100101.4101.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,56,51,54,54,52,510000010,41,51,5-1-2-2-2-2-27,5ILC intervened the system at the request of the farmers and the mode of payment was 75:25 in which farmers contributed labor worth 20% of the total investment.3,5900
443,1Lalmatia jal upvokta samiti189819972,52,53,5-2-201100101.41100101.42,5-22,51,51,56,53,52,52,51,53,53,51,51110000,12,51,5Before intervention an Agaria used to look after the repair and maintenance and distribution of the resource. After intervention WUa was formed .-2-2-2-2-25,5-12,519921993WUA was formed after intervention. Though there is WUA committee agaria looks after operation of the system. A puchi (peon) is kept to assist the agaria.11,519951,51995-219941994-2-2-2General body converted the construction committee into WUA.-2-2-2-2CARE provided materials worth Rs. 0.2 million.2-2-2-2-2-22Collection of fines, repair and maintenance.6As of C8a4.-2-21,52,54,52,51,51,51,51,52,53,5-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2200
272,1Balimkhola Water Users Group19883,34,33,3-2-21000101.5-1-12,31,35,32,23,32,3-12,5-12,32,3111000000,51,51,5The water users committee meets once every two months. From among the members in the committee, a special task for sub-committee has been formed. The general meeting of all beneficiaries takes place two time a year, once in the month of May, and the other in the month of October.-1-2-1-1-15,5Balimkhola is a rehabilitated river valley scheme completed in 1988 with the assistance from ADB and CARE/N. A permanent intake was constructed and also a cement lining of a 1200m long portion of main canal was done. The command area increased from 138.67 hectares to 252 hectares. Canal routing, type of construction and location of diversion structure were decided in consultation with the representative of the farmers.
273,2Tulsi Water Users Committee19611,52,53,5-2-201000001.5101.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,54,54,53,53,51,511000010,51,51,5WUC members meet 4-5 times during monsoon season, 1 time for winter crop season and 2-3 times during spring crop season.2,5-2-2-2-25,5The request was initiated by the villagers. All the engineering work was done by CARE/N. 50% of the total cost was borne by CARE/N (supplying construction materials). 30% of the cost was a loan from ADB/N and the remaining 20% was farmers contribution, mainly as labourers. The intervention (construction of a permanent intake) was completed in 1988. But the intake was washed away by a floood in the following monsoon.
274,2Baretar Water Distribution Group1987-11,52,51,5-2-201000101.510000100.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,54,51,53,53,52,51110001,51,31,3Very few rules about the organization are stated in the RA report and these are not clear. Informal organization. No written rules but plenty of understanding about what should be done.1,5-2-2-2-25,5The irrigation system was constucted by farmers in 1987. They get a grant from CARE/Nepal and credit from ADB/Nepal. Property rights expected. The farmers have benefited but feel more benefit could have been obtained with better construction of the system.
275,1Bandarpa Water Users Committee19883,3-13,3-244444343.51000101.5-1-22,31,3-1-1-1-1-1-14,34,3-122222222231,31,3In practive the WUC formal organization is superseded by the SFDP group organization. It is told that farmers formed WUC more for recovery of due from CARE/N than for regulating water. Meetings for irrigation are held jointly with group meetings every 10th of the month. For the last 4 months there has not been any meetings.-1-2-1-1-15,5This new scheme was largely initiated by the beneficiaries of Bandarpa and was later completed with the assistance of ADB/N and CARE/N. Construction was initiated by 16 households of the scheme in 1986 and was completed in 1988. After the introduction of irrigation, crop intensity increased from 158% to 257%.
276,1Amaltar Water Management Committee1979-13,34,33,3-2-204000003.53000303.5-1-12,31,55,32,23,32,32,39,32,32,32,322222222231,31,3From the record, it was apparent that meetings are less frequently called and mostly held informally. For minor environmental issues, committee members call committee meetings and arrive at a decision.1,3-2-2-2-25,5The beneficiary farmers took a loan from ADB/N to construct a 6m long aqueduct in local drain 2.5km downstram of the main canal. The aqueduct was constructed under ADB/N supervision. Apparently the beneficiaries were not consulted while finalizing the design. The SHV technician was involved in the design and construction of the aqueduct. The account of the project is yet to be cleared. The physical part of construction has ceased to exist due to a heavy flood in the area. Construction was completed in February 1989.
277,2Laxmipur Water Users Assocation198719923,52,52,5-2-201000001.510000101.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,51,54,51,54,54,51,510,52,51,5Construction committee was disolved and new WUA was formed, chaired by a small farmer. Regular meeting of the members takes place two times a year prior to monsoon paddy transplantation and wheat cultivation. The WUA meeting takes place 5-6 time a year. The organization has become more formal and farmer participation has increased. Record keeping has started. Decision making process has become more democratic. The organization has been registered in the district administration office.3,52,5WUAWUA2,55,5Laxmipur Irrigation System is a rehabilitated Tarai scheme. The rehabilitation was done by beneficiary farmers with assistance from ADB/N and CARE/N. The system was handed over to the farmers only in 1989 two years after the completion due to gate replacement. Permanent diversion structure (steel gate) and an aqueduct was constructed. Some of the resources were spent towards human resource development for training of farmers.
278,2Thulo Chaur Water Users Organization19891,52,52,5-201000001.510110101.5-2-22,51,51,52,53,52,52,54,54,53,51,51000010,51,51,5Only two meetings were held after the WUG was formed. Whenever meetings are held, records are maintained, a copy of which is forwarded to SFDP office.1,5-2-2-2-25,5The request for help was initiated by farmers. A detailed survey was done by a CARE/N engineer and an overseer after the preliminary survey which was done by an overseer from ADB/N. An agreement was signed among SFDP, CARE/N and the construction committee, which indicated that the total cost will be shared as following: 50% by a CARE/N grant in the form of construction material, 30% by an ADB/N loan, 20% by farmers through voluntary labor. The construction was completed in 1990. Due to bad soil conditions about 100m downstream of the intake, 50m of lined canal with the whole soil mass has slid downward. Due to this damage the scheme is not working now.
279,1Jamune Water Users Organization-1-13,3-13,3-201000001.31000001.3-1-12,31,31,32,23,32,52,31,34,34,3-110010,31,31,3Due to inability to handover the scheme, formal organization has not been formed. The operation and maintenance (O&M) is undertaken under the leadership of the CC chairman. Formal meetings are not called before the canal cleaning. Two days before the day of cleaning the CC chairman informs all the households.-2-2-2-2-25,5A meeting of all the potential beneficiary farmers was called at the initiative of one of the households benefitting from the scheme. Everybody agreed to take some load, so application was filed at SFDP offie by the whole group of farmers in 1984. Technical supervision was done by CARE/N. 50% of the cost was paid by CARE/N providing construction materials, 30% of the cost was taken by farmers as load and 20% of the cost was labor mobilization by farmers. The construction was completed in March 1989 but the system is not handed over. CI has increased. Farmers are maintaining the system well.
280,2Bhalutar Water Users Group19841,52,52,5-200000101.511100001.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,54,51,54,53,52,510100101001,51,5The organization is in suspension now while the lawsuit is going on, no one will come to the meeting. The farmers mobilize the labor to clean the canal. Issues of water distribution not well handled.4,41,5WUAWUA2,45,5The management of the construction, the turnover, and even the design of the system appear appear to have been badly done.Farmers are not happy with the slope of the canal. Rights and responsibilities of the different part of the system are not well defined. Construction was completed sometimes in 1988. Farmers are still paying- about Rs. 5,500 per family- although not all parts of the system are well served.
300,1Thambesi18001,52,5-2-1-1002,5-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-201,51,5very few rules.1,5-2-2-2-21,5
307,1Kanchi Kulo Irrigation System of Argali17403,52,53,5-2-2100.52,4-2-21,51,52,53,52,56,54,5-1-122212222221,51,5Mukhiya oversees all the maintenance work on the canal, carries out any necessary sanctions, disciplines the jimmuwal, orders the necessary tools, investigates problems that any members are having with irrigation and takes action so that all fields can be irrigated according to the rules. Jimmuwal calls all members for maintenance work, checks water in the canal each day of the monsoon rice season, and sends a member by turn to increase the flow if not sufficient.1,4-2-2-21,3-2
309,2Chaurasi Water Users Association19283,52,53,5-201100001.511110101.52,5-21,51,51,52,53,52,54,51,54,54,51,510111000011,51,53,52,5WUAWUA – secretary2,56,5-2
310,2Rangdi Khola Water Users Association19861,52,43,5-21000101.52,5-2-11,51,52,53,52,54,51,53,53,52,511000000,51,51,5A 6-member committee with chairman and secretary exists. The function is mainly distribution of water. Labor mobilization has reduced drastically. Thus, the committee is not very active.2,53,5Irrigation CommitteeIrrigation Committee2,56,5Because of the Hill Food Production Program of the Department of Agriculture under the World Bank Credit program, all the canal was lined and a big metal pipe was put in a stream as an aqueduct. The farmers had to pay (deposit) 3.5% cash and contribute another 12.5% labor as a matching fund. The request was initiated by the farmers.
312,2Pangduri Water Users Association19891,52,53,5-2-201000001.510000101.52,5-2-11,51,52,53,52,54,51,54,54,51,511000100,51,51,5A 7 member committee exists with Chairman, Secretary and members. The committee works in close cooperation with the Small Farmer Development Program of ADB/N.2,53,5Irrigation CommitteeIrrigation Committee2,55,5ADB/N has forwarded a loan which is for farmers, 30% of total expenditure to rehabilitate Manechhango and dig new pangduri. The new dug system does not work due to landslides in the main canal. But the Manechhango supplies water to the farmers.
313,1Thuli Besi Water Users’ Association19563,41,41,5-201000001.51000101.42,5-22,31,51,52,53,52,52,51,53,44,42,5111000000,51,51,51,5-2-2-2-26,5
314,1Ghachchowk Water Users Association19811,54,43,41,5-211110100.42,5-22,41,51,52,53,52,54,51,53,54,52,5111000100,41,51,54,41,4WUAWUA1,47,5
341,1Namtar Goda Sichain Yojana19881,52,52,5-2-201000101.510000100.52-22,51,51,52,53,54,51,53,54,52,5100010010,51,51,5Decisions made locally. Annual meetings and hardly any fines. Committee decides wrong doing, a great social pressure is brought onto the offending member to conform.2,52,5Approprieters Group organizationApproprieters Group Organization2,57,5ILO invested some Rs.1,800,000 here to improve water supply to to an existing syste. Property rights of farmers are respected and the current system works although not as well as it could. Poor construction of lined canal sections result in water loss to seepage.
342,2Jeevanpur Kulo Samiti19691,52,52,52,501100001.510000101.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,54,51,54,54,51,511000010,51,51,5Decisions are made by the committee to enforce the fines and organize the labour for repair and maintenance.2,52,5WUOWUO2,53,5After the intervention in 1988, crop yields have increased. Labour mobilization has decreased to some extent because bank protection of Budhi Rapti River has contributed to the reduction of the labour contribution.
343,1Buradabar Water Users Committee19913,52,52,5-201000000.510000100.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,52,51,55,54,51,50,51,51,57 members of the construction committee. After cleaning the financial problems the old construction committee will be replaced by a new committeee, but at present the authority is on an ad-hoc basis.1,5-2-2-2-25,5CARE and ADB/N intervened the system. Date of completion June 1990. No prior allocation system is used but new distribution weirs are constructed. Crop yields have increased.
344,1Sisabas parsaune19811,52,52,5-2-201000000.510000100.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,52,51,53,53,52,51000011,51,51,5Committee makes decisions. ADHYCHSHA estimates work on days when Kulo is being cleaned.2,53,5AGOAGO2,52,5DOI through DIO aided with the lining of cnaals and provision of hume pipe.
345,1Bhutiya Kulo Samiti19621,52,53,5-2-201000001.511000101.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,54,54,54,54,51,510110001011,51,5Organization consists of 9 members including chairman, secretary, etc. Meeting held monthly (of the committee). Due to water limitation committee is relatively cohesive. Still half of the appropriators use this water for drinking water therefore during daytime this system receives water but during night Pythuwa system uses the same source for irrigation.1,5-2-2-2-21,5-2
346,2Badagaon Irrigation Committee19301,52,53,5-2-201000001.510100101.52,5-22,51,51,51,53,52,54,54,54,54,51,511000100,51,51,5Guard reports to committee and committee takes decision. For defaulters, fines are imposed. If not paid committee is also able to stop water temporarily.2,53,5AGOAGO/water monitor2,53,5FIWUD provided gabion wire and technical supervision to make dam in the intake in the year 1987 which has positive effect on quantity of water withdrawn.
347,1Mudabar Water User’s Association19551,52,53,5-2-201000001.510100101.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,54,54,53,53,52,511000100,51,51,5Due to abundance, water organizations need not exercise much in appropriation resource. But due to considerable ? by river every year, much work is required in production and distribution sector. Thus organization is strong in those areas.2,52,5AGOAGO2,56,5Irrigation Sector Program (ISP) of DOI provided an assistance of Rs90,000 to build an aqueduct and drain pipes in the distribution canal. Additional labor was mobilized by the users themselves in 1990. But due to design defect the aqueduct has accumulation of silt and the quantity of water supplied is less than before. Thus, farmers have demanded an additional assistance from ISP to correct the design defect.
348,1Serabagua Sichai Samitti1790-11,52,53,5-2-202000001.51000101.52,5-21,51,51,52,53,52,52,51,53,53,51,511000100,51,51,5Committee applies all sanctions. ‘Hamro Nyam Katurnach-Chha’ (Our rules are dangerous, one farmer said.). Headed by a woman who is respected for her honesty and influence. The head of the organization was formerly called a DITHA, a voluntary post who was excused from labor but still had to spend a lot of time on canal work.3,53,5AGOAGO2,57,5ILC intervention to rebuild headworks with permanent gate and gabion wire protection. Also 100 meters of lined canal at the headend.
353,1Bangeri Water Users Organization-13,5-13,5-244444444.314140144.3-1-11,51,51,52,53,52,51,31,53,3-12,322112222221,51,5The irrigation committee composed of 9 zone representatives elect a chairman, deputy chariman, a secretary for record-keeping and a treaturur. Prior to the beginning of Rabi season each year the committee estimates the total funds required to control water in the next year.2,53,5WUAWUA2,51,5
354,1Logain Farmer Irrigation Organization194119922,52,52,52,503400303.430330303.42,5-2-11,51,52,53,52,54,34,53,3-1-1101110100011,5Logain Farmer Irrigation Organization is part of a larger system called Banganga. At the Banganga level, decisions are made about distribution of water to the 3 villages (Logain plus 2 others).2,53,5Logain FIA1,57,5Intervention was in the form of 2 deep tubewells. Different rules were established by the farmers for the running of that. The tubewells need some sort of protection — i.e. pumphouse — but other than that, this intervention was benign to the farmers organization.
364,1Water User’s Committee (for each branch)199019922,52,53,5-2-21010010100001002,5-22,51,54,52,53,51,54,51,53,54,52,5100000001,51,5In this system, the Water User’s Committees have been formed in each branch for better management of this system. WUG’s of each branch help in distributing water at tertiary levels and maintain the water courses and field channels only, however, the branch canals are being maintained by the Chitwan Irrigation Project (a DOI project). The basic drawback of this system is poor co-ordination between the DOI officials and the appropriators which has created a ground for better joint management programmes to be launched to improve the performance of the system.4,51,5DOI or Ministry of FinanceDOI1,52,5-1
365,1Laxminagar Bilaspur Sakha Samiti199019932,52,53,5-2-2100010001010102,5-22,51,54,52,53,51,52,51,54,53,51,510001001,52,54,51,5DOIDIO1,5-2-2
366,1Arjun Khola Water Users’ Committee179019931,54,53,5-2-2101010101010102,5-22,51,51,52,53,51,54,54,53,54,52,501,51,51,5-2-2-2-26,5EEC intervened this system in 1987 providing irrigation facilities, roads, drinking water, sanitation and agriculture extension programs.
367,1Arjun Khola Irrigation Project198819931,52,5-2-2-210000010100010101,5Agricultural inputs, sanitation, drinking water, roads and marketing facilities.2,51,53,51,51,51,55,56,51,5-22,51100002,52,5The project is run by DOI with technical assistance and advice from EEC. The day to day affairs and construction of irrigation and other support facilities are undertaken by DOI engineers. The procurement and technical advise is provided by TA team (Agro-progress enterprise, a German consulting form).1,5-2-2-2-2-2-2
368,1Pusaha Kulo Jal Upabhog Samiti196719932,52,52,52,5-21000101010102,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,54,54,54,54,51,510110000001,51,5Water User organization of this system has agreed upon to contribute the cash (10% of the total estimated cost) for rennovation of the system with DIO authority.1,5-2-2-2-22,5This system was previously constructed under the jurisdiction of the Bhairahawa canal division, however the operation, repair and maintenance activities were later on shifted to district irrigation office. DIO has repaired headwork, cross drainage works. Farmers through their organization distribute water among different branches.
369,1Marchwar Siari Sinchai Upsamiti199019932,54,53,5-2-21000101010102,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,52,54,54,54,51,5111000001,51,51,5-2-2-2-22,5This system was originally constructed by Indian Cooperation Mission in 1961/63. Since then water could not be supplied through the main canal as the headwork was completely damaged. Then in 1982/83 under the active recommendation of Mr. Triveni Kurmi, the then MP, beneficieries of this system started receiving water from Siari Irrigation System at Bhagderi. Previously beneficieries of Siari System were not allowing to tap excess water from this system. In 1992 DOI constructed a permanent headwork at Harnaiya near Bhagderi and employed a dhalpa to regulate the flow of water. Currently, the tailend farmers (Marchawar) are getting water during winter only.
370,1Eghara (eleven) Mauja Siari Kulo UpaSamiti-119933,55,53,5-2-213001010103010102,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,54,54,53,53,52,5110000001,51,5The chairman in consultation with the other members of this organization mobilizes the resources, resolve the conflicts and assesses the fines to be imposed to the defaulters.1,5-2-2-2-22,5DOI has made a permanent headwork at Harnaiya in 1992. Beneficiaries of this organization has prior water right. However, after DOI intervention to construct the headwork, Marchawar farmers were also allowed to receive water supply during winter for wheat crop only.
371,1District Irrigation Office199219934,52,52,52,5-210301010103010101,5River protection works to control stream bank erosion.-22,53,51,51,51,55,56,54,54,52,51000002,52,5District Irrigation Office is a district level government agency under DOI responsible for design, construction, repair, maintenance and operation and management of irrigation schemes in the district.4,51,5MOWR in association with MOFMOWR/DOI/DIO1,51-2
372,1Dohani Sinchai Bandh Kulo Samiti198719932,52,52,52,5100010001010102,5-22,51,54,52,53,52,52,54,54,53,52,510000001,51,51,5-2-2-2-22,5The headwork of this system has been made permanent with assistance from DIO. The crest level of the diversion weir is at a lower elevation than the elevation of the intake at the head regulator of the main canal indicating a design defect.
373,1Nepal Gandak Western Canal Project198219933,52,5-2-230301030300030301,5River training works.-21,52,51,51,51,55,56,51,5-22,51100002,52,51,5-2-2-2-2-2-2
374,1Barmajhiya Jal Upabhokta Sangha199219932,52,52,52,5-210001030110011302,5-22,51,54,52,53,52,54,54,55,54,51,501,52,5The WUO is very inactive. It seems that the contribution of WUO for the management of the appropriation resource is very low, rather they claim DIO for every actions to be taken.MOWR in association with MOFDIO/DOI1,51,5-2
375,1District Irrigation Office-119933,52,52,52,5-230001030300030302,5-22,51,53,51,51,51,55,56,52,53,52,51100001,52,53,51,5MOWR in association with MOFDOI/DIO1,51,5-2
376,1District Irrigation Office198319933,53,52,52,5-233003330330033302,5-2-223,51,51,52,55,56,51,54,52,51101002,52,5This is a district level government agency. It implements the rules formulated by its central authority. This organization has no authority to reward or punish for any situation. Many rules are not used by the staffs of its own organization.4,51,5MOWR in association with MOFDOI/DIO1,5-2-2
377,1Bhimsen Kulo, WUG198119933,52,53,5-2-2100010111101012,5-2-21,51,52,53,52,52,51,52,53,51,5110000001,51,5The organization (Executive committee) consists of 7 members. They meet at least three times a year. Decisions are made on water allocation, distribution, repair and maintenance and provide information to District Irrigation Office.1,5-2-2-2-22,5The system was first constructed by Bhimsen Thapa 200 years ago but the system didn’t work until it was reconstructed in 1980. The design work was done by DOI engineers in 1976. Major portion of the main canal were lined. In 1987, again the system was rehabilitated by DOI, the canal was made up of reinforcement cement concrete near the diversion. The farmers were not involved during the design of the system.
378,1District Irrigation Office, Gorkha-119933,55,51,52,5330034333003432,5-2-2-23,51,51,51,55,56,51,54,52,51100001,52,5This organization consists of one Asst. Engineer, few overseers and several supervisors. Mostly overseers and supervisors come to the system and decide what type of maintenance need to be done. Sometimes WUO members go to DOI to request for maintenance. Some labor mobilization is done by WUO itself.1,5-2-2-2-2-2-2
379,1Dhuwakot WUO198519933,52,53,5-2-2111010101111010102,5-22,51,53,51,51,51,55,56,51,54,52,5101100002,52,5This organization is responsible for operation and maintenance of the system. DIO provides technical and financial assistance when required.-2-2-2-2-2-2-2
380,1Branch Committee No. 21991-23,55,52,5-2-201110101.51110101.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,51,54,51,53,53,52,50,52,51,5This organiation implements the distribution rules initiated by AKWUA. All the appropriators are responsible for the selection of the members of AKWUA.2,52,5Project (AKIP)AKWUA2,5-2-2
381,1Jal Upborta Prasandha Samiti (branch canal #2)1989-23,55,52,52,5-21111010111001012,5-21,51,51,52,53,51,52,51,52,53,52,5111000001,52,5Rampur Phant Irrigation Project consists of seven groundlevel appropriators’ organizations, one in each of the five branches, and the two remaining on two direct outlets from the main canal. The five branch committees and two such committees form a Mul Samiti.1,5-2-2-2-2-2-2
382,1Ouami Shakha Samiti1991-23,55,52,5-2-211110101.511110101.52,5-22,51,55,52,53,51,52,51,54,54,52,50,5-2-2The constitution is not yet approved so most of the rules are not used.1,5-2-2-2-2-2-2
383,1District Irrigation office, Dhanusa-119933,53,52,52,5-230301030303030301,5River training works-22,53,54,51,52,55,56,54,53,52,51000002,52,5DIO is a district level government agency to look after the irrigation development activities within the district. In addition DIO has a responsibility of river training works for stream bank protection, flood protection and rescue draught prone areas through surface and ground water exploitation for irrigation.4,51,5MOWR in association with MOFDOI/DIO1,51,5-2
384,1Narayani Zone Irrigation Development Project-119933,52,52,52,5-230301030300030302,5-2-21,53,51,51,51,55,56,55,54,52,51100002,52,5Narayani Irrigation Project Authority is planning to form a Water Users Group within the command area of Nepal Eastern Canal so as to develop a feeling of resource ownership among the beneficiaries.4,51,5MWR in association with MOFNarayani Irrigation Project1,5-2-2
385,1BL-2 branch level Water Users Organization198819932,54,52,52,510000010100010102,5-22,51,54,52,53,52,54,54,54,54,51,51000001,52,54,51,5CIP (Chitwan Irrigation Project)CIP (Chitwan Irrigation Project)1,51,5-2
386,1Chitwan Irrigation Project197219933,52,52,52,530001030300030301,5Provides Dhalpa, gate keeper and maintains the pump.-21,54,51,51,51,55,56,51,53,52,51000002,52,5Chitwan Irrigation Project (CIP) has recently established a Water Tax Branch to collect the water fees from the beneficiaries. Water fee of Rs40 per bigha has been fixed.4,51,5Water Tax Branch of CIP in association with LRDWater Tax Branch of CIP in association with LRD1,5-2-2
387,1Jawai Water Users’ Assocation199219931,53,53,5-2-22100000012,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,52,51,54,54,51,50-2-2The members of this organization have been organized only 8 months ago. The appropriators’ participation in the selection of the executive members (officials) was very low. The members consists of mainly elected leaders of VDC. No rules and regulations have been explicitely formulated so far.1,5-2-2-2-26The farmers had a small irrigation system at the source and had a previous background for managing the irrigation system. By 1983, the system was completely reconstructed by small irrigation project/DOI.
388,1Hardi Minor Water Users’ Association199219931,53,53,5-2-22200002022,5-22,41,51,52,53,52,52,51,55,55,42,40-11,3Officials in this organization are mainly large landholders who to a large extent monopolize the local power. The organization is newly established. Hence the procedures for its operation are not well developed.1,5-2-2-21,51,5-2
391,1Chaughada Sinchai Division199119933,55,52,5-210303030103030301,5provides gabion wires to protect stream bank erosion/agricultural lands2,51,53,54,52,51,55,56,54,54,52,51100002,52,51,5-2-2-2-24,5Under Rasuwa-Nuwakot Integrated Development Project, Chaughada Sinchai Division(CSD) was established within the jurisdiction of DOI. CSD did the design and estimation, World Bank/IDA provided the financial assistance and work for this project actually started during II-phase. All the construction cost was borne by CSD.
392,1Simra Kulo Upabhokta Samiti199119932,52,52,5-210003010101000102,5-22,51,51,52,53,51,52,54,54,54,52,51001,51,5It is a two tier organization having a main and a sub committee. There are three sub committees for three VDCs.4,51,5Water Users Committee (Main)Water Users Committee1,56,5
393,1Lauri Ghol ko Kulo197819933,52,52,5-2-2,500000000.51111101.52,5-2-2,51,51,56,53,52,56,51,54,55,51,510110000111,51,51,5-2,5Water Users’ Association.5Water Users’ Association.51,5
394,1Sukha Kulo-1 (DK2) WUA197619933,51,53,5-2-200000000.5101,52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,54,51,54,53,51,511110000011,51,5-11,5-2-2-2-21,5-235
395,1Chana Pokhari Kulo WUA197119933,52,53,5-2-200000000.51110100.5-2-22,51,51,56,53,52,56,51,53,55,51,510110000111,51,5-11,5-2-2-21,51,5-125
396,1Kyampa Kulo WUA1970199332,53,5-2-200000000.51110111.52,5-22,51,51,56,53,52,56,51,53,54,51,510110000111,51,5-11,5-2-2-21,51,5-1146
397,1Pampa Kulo WUA198719933,52,53,5-2-200000000.51110100.52,5-22,51,51,56,53,52,56,51,53,53,51,51011010011-11,5-11,52,52,52,52,55,5-196
398,1Pakadibas Chatra Kulo WUA197019933,52,53,5-2-200000000.51100100.52,5-22,51,51,56,53,52,56,51,54,53,51,510110000111,51,5-2-2-2-2-2-21,5-121
399,1Dudh Kosi Amelia Pani ko Ghol Danda Gaun WUA198319933,53,53,5-2-200000000.5110101.52,5-22,51,51,56,53,52,56,51,53,52,41,510110000111,51,5-11,5-2-1-11,51,5-1-40
400,1No WUA has been formed yetSince no WUA has been formed yet, the decisions regarding the funtioning of the system is taken by the Zamindar and the appropriators simply follow him.-2-2-2-2-2
401,1Bhateni Phant WUA196219933,52,53,5-2-2-201. Mai2,5-22,51,51,56,5-2-26,51,53,53,52,511000010,51,51,5-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-2200
402,1Chatrayang Kulo WUA.197119933,52,53,5-2-2-23110100.52,5-22,51,51,56,53,52,56,51,53,52,51,510110000111,51,5-11,5-2,5-2,5-2,5-2,51,5-2-335
403,1Baseuli Kulo WUA175619933,52,53,5-2-200000000.510100.52,5-2-21,51,51,53,52,56,51,53,53,52,510100000111,51,5-11,5-2-2--2-21,5-173
444,1Kanjawar WUA198619972,52,53,5-2-211001011100101.42,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,56,51,54,54,51,511000010,41,51,5-1-2-2-2-2-25,5The appropriators request and ADB intervened the system and the mode of payment was 50:30:20.2,519861986-12-2-22-2-21988-2-2-2-2In the general meeting executives were selected by majority.-2-2-2-2No support2-2-2-25-22Rules and regulation formation3Same to C8a23Same to C8a41,53,54,51,51,51,51,51,52,51,500-2-2000-2-277
445,1Tedhi WUA-119972,53,53,5-2,5-2,501000001.301. Mai2,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,52,51,54,54,51,511000100,51,51,5Major decisions for structure of the resource are taken by the main committee through meeting once a year and the chairman of the WUA with others makes rules and regulations.-2-2-2-2-27,5-13,51550
446,1Pratappur WUA-119972,52,53,5-2-201000000.501. Mai2,5-22,51,54,52,43,52,53,51,53,53,51,510,51,51,5Strategic decisions are made by the general body meeting. The day to day operating decisions are made and executed by the WUA committee.-2-2-2-2-27,5ILC intervened the program in 1996 and did the engineering. the mode of payment was 85:15.in which farmers contributed labor worth 12.5% of the total investment.3,5300
447,1Ambikeshwari WUA198219972,52,53,5-2-201100101.5101.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,51,51,53,53,51,511000010,51,51,5-1-2-2-2-2-25,5At the request of the farmers CAREADB intervened the work and the mode of payment was 60:30,10.2,5-2-1996-114,519931,51993-1-1-2-2-2-2On the basis of majority approval.-1-1-1-1-2-2-2-2-25-22Repair and maintenance, labor mobilization,fines and sanctions.4As C8a2.-2-21,54,5-21,51,51,51,51,51,51,500-2-20000065
448,1Kani nala WUA198719973,52,53,5-2-201000001.401. Mai2,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,56,51,53,53,51,5100001,51,51,5-1-2-2-2-2-214
449,1Gabari khola WUA197719972,52,53,5-2-201000101.51000101.52,4-2.52,51,51,52,53,52,44,51,53,33,31,511000000,41,51,5The day to day operation of the sustem is executed and monitered by the committee and all the appropriators have to abide by it .-2-2-2-2-25,5On the formal request of the users ADB intervened the system in 1993. the mode of payment was 60:30:10.3,525
450,1Kachila Kachili WUA-119972,52,53,5-2-201100101.5100001.52-22,51,51,52,53,52,56,51,54,54,52,510000000,51,51,5-2-2-2-2-2-27,5-2.52,519921995There used to be one Sardaruwa who look after the canal before intervention. The construction committee formed during construction was convetred into WUA11199311993-2-2-2-2-2--2-2-2No support for WUA formation. 75% subsidy and technical support by DOI.2,5No any training.-2-2,55,5WUA alone look after operation and management.-2-2-2Just informal meeting/personal contact for fund collection-2-21,51,53,51,51,51,51,51,51,52,5-275-22500-2-2-2215
451,1Guhar-Ranigar WUA199419972,52,53,5-2-201100001.4101.42,5-22,51,51,56,53,52,52,51,53,43,41,511000001,51,51,5The activities of WUA is determined by the general body meeting (GBM) and executed by the executive committee. All decisions are made in the GBM. Sardaruwa is appointed by WUA for taking care of the resource.-2-2-2-2-25,5At the formal request, the CARE constructed retaining wall. CARE did feasibility survey and intervened in 1992 and construction completed in 1993. Now users maintain.2,5-11994Previously Sardaruwa used to look after the system. Later formed the construction committee. After construction, WUA was formed at the advice of the CARE.2,54,5-12,5-2,5No existence of WUA prior to management transfer program.1994-2,5-2,5-2,5-2,5No election contested for the functionaries of main and branch canal. Committee was formed with general consensus, after disolving construction committee.-1-1-22No support from DOI.2,5CARE provided trg.on repair & maintenance.31,55,5No coordination between DOI and WUA concerning operation and management.2Nominate Sardaruwa, fines, sanctions, repair & maintenance1activities of WUA, labor mobilization.3Rules regulation, and as in C8a4.1,52,44,51,42,41,51,52,42,51,5-2-2-2-2-2-2No work.-20550
467,1Bhutpur WUA196419972,52,53,5-2-201100101.5100.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,52,51,53,53,52,5-21,51,5A watchman has been appointed and is paid on the basis of land ownership.The watchman is getting 36 monds of grain and Rs. 1400 annually.-2-2-2-2-225
468,1Sir kulo WUA199319972,52,53,5-2-201000101.51000101.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,52,51,53,53,51,511000000,51,51,5General assembly forms all the rules and regulations and the committee executes it.This system gets one fourth of the water because of the traditional aggrement with other villages.-2-2-2-2-25,5At the request of the users ADBN intervened the system in 1992, mode of payment was 50:30:20, handed over in 1994, crop yield has increased .2,5-21994Construction committee was formed to look after the construction work which converted into WUa after completion of the work.1,54,5-21,51994No water users association existed, only Sardaruwa was appointed to look after the system.19941994-2-2-2By consensus1-2-2-2No support2,5CARE gave training on seed prod. of veg.,modern te21,55,5No coordination1Repair and maintenance, fines and sanctions.12Repair and maintenance, fines and sanctions.-2-21,53,54,51,51,51,51,51,32,41,500-2-200-2-20365
469,1Bulbule WUA198819972,52,53,5-2-201100101.41000101.42,5-22,51,56,52,53,52,54,59,54,44,41,511000000,41,51,5Before the intervention, the source was used only by the upstream users. However after the intervention (headwork construction) the source is being shared by three WUAs (Bhittoria, Kanzawar,and Bulbule) as well as by the upstream users.-2-2-2-2-2125
470,1Karkitar WUA198719972,52,53,5-2-201000101.5101.52,5-22,51,56,52,53,52,54,51,53,43,41,511000001,41,51,5-1-2-2-2-2-25,5At the request of the users ADB intervened the system in 1987 did the engineering.2,519871989The ADB suggested the users to organize into group to avail loan and the farmers formed WUA1,55,5-22,5-2-21990-2-2-2-2By consensus-2-2-2-2-22,5-2-2-25,5No1Repair and maintenance, fines, labor mobilization.4To review the decisions of the WUA and execute it.-2-21,54,52,5-11,51,51,5-12,51,5-2-2-2-2-2-2Repair for seepage, addition of culverts-1-138
471,1Pokharel fant WUA199019972,52,53,5-2-201000101.4101.42,4-22,51,56,52,53,52,54,51,54,54,51,511000100,51,51,5-1-2-2-2-2-25,5ADBN intervened at the formal request of the users, on 60:30:10 basis, participatory design and construction. Since the intervention O&M by users and ADB still assisting O&M.2,519881988ADB asked the users to form a group for its assistance. Construction committee was also formed while construction.1,55,5-22,5-2-11991-2-2-2-2WUA executive members were nominated by consensus at the general assembly meeting.-2-2-2-2-12,5-2-2-25,5-23Repair and maintenance, labor mobilization.-2-2-2-21,54,53,5-2151,51,53,52,51,5-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-240
472,1Thuli chaur WUA199419972,52,53,5-2-201100101.51000101.52,5-22,51,51,52,53,52,44,51,53,43,41,511000000,51,51,5The day to day operation is monitered and executed by the committee and all the appropriators have to follow the role assigned . The general body is making the strategic decisions.-2-2-2-2-25,5ADB intervened the system in 1994 at the formal request of the users at 60:30:10 basis.2,519941995ADB asked the users to form WUA to avail assistance.1,54,519942,5-2-2-1-2-2-2-2By consensus-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-25,5-23Repair and maintenance, fines and sanctions.4Same as c8a2-2-21,54,54,51,51,51,51,51,52,51,50-10-200-2-2-233
473,1Jimdar samuh-119972,52,53,5-2-201000001.4101.52,5-22,51,56,52,53,52,52,59,53,53,52,5-21,51,5-1-2-2-2-2-25,5ADB intervened the system in 1992 and the mode of payment was 60:30:10.2,519931995-11,54,5-22,5-2No change19951995-2-2-2By consensus1-2-2-2No support2,5-2-2-25,5No1Selection of the Kakandar, fines and sanctions.-2-2-2-21,54,54,5-11,51,51,51,52,51,5000000-2-2-2130
179,1Harshabang water user organization-1-13,3-13,3-2-234444344-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-12222222222-11,3not in Rbase, only in Access, UF-1-1-1-1-14,5not in Rbase, only in Access, UFnot in Rbase, only in Access, UF
254,1Baireni Kulo water users organization-1-23,3-13,3-144444444-1-2-11,5-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-12222222222-11,3not in Rbase, only in Access, UF-1-1-1-1-11not in Rbase, only in Access, UFnot in Rbase, only in Access, UF
349,1Water Users Committee-119912,3-13,3-2-244444444.5-1-2-2-16,3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1not in Rbase, only in Access, UF-1-2-2-2-2-2not in Rbase, only in Access, UFnot in Rbase, only in Access, UF