
2023How to explore a large scenario space of future power systems? A multi-perspective analysis for Germany13. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung (IEWT)ViennaAustria
2022Szenarien mit Energieinfrastrukturausfällen unter Einbezug multipler Parameterunsicherheiten*Forschungsnetzwerk EnergiesystemanalyseBerlinGermany
20221) Pathways of a decentralised energy system under uncertainty 2) Implementing FAIR in the Domain of Energy Systems Analysis* 3) Szenarien mit Energieinfrastrukturausfällen unter Einbezug multipler Parameterunsicherheiten*Konferenz EnergiesystemanalyseBerlinGermany
2022Abstracting actor’s decisions with machine learning in a decentralised energy system 12. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung (IEWT)ViennaAustria
2022Enabling energy systems research on HPC*International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC22)DallasUS
2022A multi-perspective approach for exploring the scenario space of future power systems*Operations ResearchKarlsruheGermany
2022FAIR Data management for Energy Systems*Modelling European Climate and Energy Modelling Platform (ECEMP)Online
2022Competency questions for a test first development of an energy systems analysis ontology*Joint Ontology WorkshopsJönköpingSweden
2022Electric Vehicles Smart Charging: Representative Load Profiles Based on Residential Time-Varying Electricity Tariffs and Household Characteristics*17th IAEE European Energy ConferenceAthensGreece
2021Implementing FAIR through a distributed data infrastructure*EOSC SymposiumPragueCzech Republic
2021VERMEER - Versorgungsicherheit in Deutschland und Mitteleuropa während Extremwetter-Ereignissen*Jahrestreffen des Forschungsnetzwerks EnergiesystemanalyseOnline
2021Self-Reinforcing negative price dynamics under the variable market premium scheme*IAEE, Energy, COVID, and Climate ChangeOnline
2021Was kann die Innovationsökonomik für die Technologieentwicklung leisten?*ÖKONVEROnline
2021Implementing FAIR through a distributed data infrastructure.* Energy Modelling Plattform EuropeOnline
2021Improved Discovery and Access to Research Data in Energy Systems Analysis*Open Search SymposiumOnline
2021Human cooperation in changing groups: evidence from a large-scale public goods game*Annual Conference of the International Network of Analytical SociologistsOnline
2021Introducing the Open Energy Ontology – An Example of Linked Open Data* Open Workshow on Machine LearningOnline
2021Self-reinforcing deflationary price dynamics under the variable market premium scheme*International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE)Online
2021Diffusion, Optimierung und Neuronale Netze: Entwicklungspfade eines dezentralen Energiesystems im Zusammenspiel der Entscheidungen von Energieakteuren unter UnsicherheitForschungsnetzwerk EnergiesystemanalyseOnline
2020Introduction and evaluation of the Open Energy Ontology (OEO)*Energy Modelling Platform for Europe: Modelling Climate Neutrality for the European Green DealBrusselsBelgium
2020Agentenbasierte Modellierung und Simulation von Demand Response mit Wärmepumpen*16. Symposium EnergieinnovationGrazAustria
2020Self-reinforcing deflationary price dynamics under the variable market premium scheme*StrommarkttreffenBerlinGermany
2021Was kann die Innovationsökonomik für die Technologieentwicklung leisten?*ÖKONVEROnline
2020Self-reinforcing negative price dynamics under the variable market premium scheme*International Association of Energy Economics (IAEE)ParisFrance
2020Introducing a framework for open energy systems analysisOpenmod ConferenceBerlinGermany
2020Data Infrastructure for Energy System Models: Using Linked Open Data and the Global Earth Observation Systems of System in Energy Systems Analysis*Openmod ConferenceBerlinGermany
2019Improving reproducibility in energy systems analysisSocial Simulation Conference (ESSA)MainzGermany
2019Archetype analysis in sustainability research: Methodological portfolio and analytical frontiers*Global Land ProgrammeBernSwitzerland
20181) Modelling Complex Investment Decisions for Renewables with Machine Learning and 2) Increasing the robustness of natural resource management research by using multiple methodsSocial Simulation Conference (ESSA)StockholmSweden
2017Does the ethical stance make a difference for the willingness to pay for farm animal welfare: the case of Germany*GewisolaMünchenGermany
2017The influence ot ethical attitudes on market behaviour: the case of farm animal welfare in Germany*XV EAAE Congress 2017, Towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems: Balancing Between Markets and SocietyParmaItaly
2017AMIRIS – An Agent-Based Simulation Model for the Analysis of Market Integration of Renewable Energies under Various Energy Policy Frameworks1. ABM WorkshopHamburgGermany
2017AMIRIS – An Agent-Based Simulation Model for the Analysis of Market Integration of Renewable Energies under Various Energy Policy Frameworks*2nd German-Japanese Workshop on Renewable EnergiesStuttgartGermany
2017Integration of renewables into electricity markets*STRISE ConferenceStuttgartGermany
2017Success in the Commons*IASCUtrechtNetherlands
2016To pay or not to pay: does empathy for animals lead to higher willingness to pay for animal welfare?*13th Congress of the European Society for Agricultural and Food EthicsPortoPortugal
2016Developing a data base for social-ecological systemsSESYNC conferenceAnnapolisUS
2016A new classification of co-management regimes – performance of community managed, co-managed and government-managed irrigation systems*IASCBernSwitzerland
2016An empirically-tested model of the emergence of institutions*IASCBernSwitzerland
2015Typologies and performance of irrigation systemsNew Institutional EconomicsHalleGermany
2015Categorizing Urban Commons: Collective Action in Urban Gardens* IASC Thematic Conference on Urban CommonsBolognaItaly
2015Responsible governance: sustainability of natural resources and welfare of actorsEcological EconomicsLeedsEngland
2014Comparing social-ecological case studies.WOW5 conference, University of IndianaBloomingtonUSA
2014Identifying cross-system drivers for resource governance and stewardship in fisheries, water and forest commons.Resilience ConferenceMontpellierFrance
2014Analysing complex social-ecological systems.Resilience ConferenceMontpellierFrance
2014An evolutionary interpretation of religiosity. Philosophical Anthropology of Religion.University of WuppertalWuppertalGermany
2014Social-ecological systems: building up a database for case studies.SES-ConferenceMarburgGermany
2013Erfolgsfaktoren in Gemeingutprojekten.FONALeipzigGermany
2013Analysing the complexities of community-based forest management.New Challenges for Community ForestryRemscheidGermany
2012Modelling ecological success of common pool resource systems using large datasets Design and Dynamics of Institutions for Collective ActionUtrechtNetherlands
2012Developing and implementing a database for social-ecological systemsSES-ConferenceMünchenGermany
2012Environmental Ethics – Value assignments and their reliable measurementGAP8 – Workshop „The Scope and Limits of Experimental Ethics“KonstanzGermany
2012An evolutionary explanation for cognitive errors and its implications for philosophy of scienceEpistemological Foundations of Evolutionary PsychologyHeidelbergGermany
2012Introducing a new web platform for community-based work on the SES-frameworkSES-ConferenceOsnabrückGermany
2011Modeling Success of CPR-systemsInternational Workshop on Forest CommonsBurbachGermany
2011Quantitative Analyses of CPR-systems with Artificial Neural NetworksIASC European MeetingPlovdivBulgaria
2011Building an ontology for Social-Ecological SystemsSES-ConferenceBodoNorway
2011Group Dynamics in Public Goods GamesEuropean Human Behaviour and Evolution Association (EHBEA)GießenGermany
2010Modeling Success of Social-Ecological Systems with Artificial Neural NetworksSES-ConferenceBloomingtonUS
2010Modeling Success of Social-Ecological Systems with Artificial Neural NetworksInternational Association of the Commons (IASC)TempeUS
2010How to make climate conferences a success: Making full contributions to a public goods game a rational strategyEuropean Human Behaviour and Evolution Association (EHBEA)BreslauPolen
2010Ein Vorschlag zur Steigerung von Kooperation bei GemeingutproblemenMenschliches Verhalten in Evolutionärer PerspektiveBerlinGermany
2009Evolutionäre Religionswissenschaft – Wie frei bin ich, religiös zu sein?MinD AkademieNürnbergGermany
2009Evolutionäre Religionswissenschaft – einige wissenschaftstheoretische BemerkungenGAP 7 (Gesellschaft für Analytische Philosophie)BremenGermany
2009Kognitive Fehler in Alltag und WissenschaftMinD SymposiumMünchenGermany
2008Evolutionäre Ansätze als forschungsleitende HypotheseMenschliches Verhalten in Evolutionärer PerspektiveHamburgGermany
2007Systematische Kreativität in der WissenschaftMinD AkademieWürzburgGermany
2006Is naturalism progressive? A naturalistic approach to the philosophy of science.29. Internationales Wittgenstein SymposiumKirchberg am WechselAustria
2006Kognitive Fehler in der Wissenschaft und ihre evolutionsbiologischen Grundlagen.Sommerschule Evolutionäre AnthropologieDelmenhorstGermany
2006Recurring scientific errors and their connection to evolutionary cognitive psychology. Beitrag zum First Symposium on Philosophy, History, and Methodology of E.R.R.O.R* (*Experimental Reasoning, Reliability, Objectivity & Rationality: Induction, Statistics & Modeling).Virginia TechBlacksburg, VirginiaUS
2005Defekte Wissenschaft: Von Begeisterung und Vorurteilen.DispositivtagungOldenburgGermany

Eingeladene Vorträge

Title of talkLocationInvitation By
Commodifying moral concerns – willingness to pay for animal welfare in Germany
HohenheimProf. Dr. Knierim; zusammen mit Dr. Pirscher
Kognitive Fehler in Alltag und Wissenschaft
Modern illusions of humankind
BerlinProf. Dr. Liebal
Analysis of complex social-ecological systems
HalleProf. Dr. Martin Petrick, Leibniz-Institut für Agrarentwicklung in Transformationsökonomien, IAMO
Analysing ecological success in natural resource management
BremenProf. Dr. Schlüter, Leibniz-Zentrum für Marine Tropenökologie
Ein soziales Dilemma im Ländervergleich
GießenUniversität Gießen
Environmental protection: insights from human behavioral ecology
WageningenEcology group, University of Wageningen
Masterclass: Modern illusions of mankind
WageningenEcology group, University of Wageningen
GießenProf. Dr. Wolters
Denkfehler in Alltag und Wissenschaft
MagdeburgGeschäftsführer Technik Deutsche Bahn, Matthias Grabe
Expertenworkshop Kooperative Normsetzung
DüsseldorfProf. Dr. Mauve
Erfolgsfaktoren in internetbasierten, kooperativen InstitutionenDüsseldorfProf. Dr. Michael Baurmann, Fachbereich Soziologie
Zur langfristigen Effizienz von SanktionenGießenProf. Dr. Tillmann, Fachbereich Monetäre Ökonomik
Die Verelendung öffentlicher Güter – evolutionäre und kognitive Aspekte des AllmendeproblemsGießenProf. Dr. Knauff, Fachbereich Allgemeine Psychologie und Kognitionsforschung; zusammen mit Prof. Dr. Voland
Modeling Success of Social-Ecological Systems with Artificial Neural Networks
BloomingtonProf. Dr. Ostrom, Workshop in Political Theory and
Policy Analysis
Philosophische Anthropologie

Kognitive Fehler in Alltag und WissenschaftGießenFachschaft Ernährungsökologie
Eine kurze Geschichte der Philosophie StuttgartVHS
Klassik und Aufklärung StuttgartVHS
Philosophisches Argumentieren StuttgartVHS
Warum handeln Menschen nicht nachhaltiger?GießenFachschaft Ernährungsökologie
Grundprobleme der Erkenntnistheorie GießenUniversität Gießen
Philosophisches Argumentieren StuttgartVHS
Geschichte der Philosophie StuttgartVHS
Evolutionäre Hintergründe kognitiver Fehler in der Wissenschaft GießenUniversität Gießen
Denkfehler bei Wissenschaftlern – Aspekte einer kognitiven WissenschaftstheorieWuppertalPhilosophisches Seminar
Denkfehler – Warum manche Fehler in der Wissenschaft immer wiederkehren BraunschweigUniversität Braunschweig
Evolutionäre PsychologieBraunschweigEinladung der Bibliotheksgesellschaft
Camus: Aus der Absurdität durch die Revolte zur Liebe
BraunschweigUniversität Braunschweig
Systematisches Problemlösen in der Wissenschaft
BraunschweigUniversität Braunschweig
Francis Bacon: Wegbereiter moderner Wissenschaft?
BraunschweigUniversität Braunschweig